(Update) Report: We Have Received Black Construction Paper Because of The SDNY – IOTW Report

(Update) Report: We Have Received Black Construction Paper Because of The SDNY

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@LauraLoomer SCANNED COPY OF THE EPSTEIN FILE BINDERS GIVEN OUT TO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS AT THE WHITE HOUSE TODAY I’ve obtained a scanned copy of the binders given out at the White House today.

@ChayaRaichik10. asked me what I wanted after I was very publicly pissed off and I asked her to please scan it and send it to me in its entirety. She did, and I appreciate it. Now I’m making it public for everyone because you all deserve TRANSPARENCY. Here is the link with the full contents of the Epstein File binders given out today.

SNIP: I’m not linking anything from Dropbox here. So go to Loomer’s post if you want it.


This is the story: @liz_wheeler

President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files. The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi. They did, about 200 pages.

Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.” Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.

THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her. We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names. These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.

Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE. The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull. Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance. The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place! You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime. And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed. That’s the story.

24 Comments on (Update) Report: We Have Received Black Construction Paper Because of The SDNY

  1. You know… Pam could have just handed the INFLUENCERS a list of the FBI agents/ SDNY peeps who were ‘handling’ the epstein files and let them call the jerks for interviews.

    Call Florida, too. They had an ‘almost’ trial against epstein back in the day.

  2. There are no “files” that haven’t already been released, mostly in connection with court cases.

    They are not going to release internal thought processes of investigators and lawyers. They cannot release data about underage women. They are not going to release gigabytes of files from his computer systems, if that stuff still exists, because these are not “FBI files” but evidence (They certainly are not going to release videos and pictures of Epstein “clients” having sex or whatever.)

    Is there an Epstein-created “file” somewhere entitled “My blackmail list and what I have on each of them”. Unlikely.

    What the hell do people think they are going to get?

    Says something that people are all idiotically salivating for the Epstein files (sex sex sex sex) and… where are the JFK, RFK, and MLK files?

  3. She gave them 2 weeks to comply, instead of immediately taking them into custody. Lady is completely out of her depth. She doesn’t seem to realize the breadth and depth of the evidence of the Epstien files. They will empty half of congress. They collapse government, destroy fortunes. Of course the fbi handed you black construction paper, because your own employees don’t take you seriously, because they don’t see a serious woman. A serious woman would have arrested every staff member on the spot.

  4. There are no doubt people with prurient interests in the files. There is no doubt that the FBI files contain evidence / information regarding highly placed individuals, politicians and those “special” elites who are the “protected” class and immune from the law and exposure normal citizens are subject to. And, there is no doubt that there are those in the FBI and the system who are actively attempting to suppress the release of damning information exposing their bad behavior. Their attempts may slow things down but eventually as Trump and Patel appear to be shining a light on the darkness that is DC. That is of course they’ve already managed to destroy the files.

  5. I see a resignation in Bondi’s future. I saw a clip of her talking with Waters. She has trouble articulating her thoughts. In her position, her brain needs to be umpteen steps ahead of her mouth.

  6. Bondi had better go through not only the FBI’s obstruction, but upstairs to the DOJ itself. There are known and reported communications between FBI and DOJ that by any definition are part of the “Epstein files” and there’s no sign of them.

  7. And then there’s this comment from “Charlotte” on Techno Fog’s article (worth a read). She says:

    Respectfully, I think you are being too kind with Bondi. She was working in FL during the Palm Beach case and it was discussed ad nauseum amongst the legal circles. The very best reporting about the entire case, in my opinion, was from you and The Palm Beach Post. They did some amazing FOIAs and got their hands on a lot of the email exchanges between the Epstein lawyers and Alex Acosta’s team. They also found the smoking gun where Epstein is named as a CHS (Confidential Human Source) for the FBI and claim that is why he got the sweetheart deal. Palm Beach had so many victims, some people number it between 75-100 and he actively recruited/groomed high schoolers. Bondi knows this case, I think she’s honestly, an idiot. I seriously hope Kash has stronger legal chops and manages to uncover better documentation and finally someone prosecutes the clients. Enough of the Mexican soap opera known as Pam Bondi.

    (emphasis added by UA)

  8. @Brad — LOL! There are lots of other jobs for which a perfect rack is a fine asset if not a prerequisite, but Attorney General of the United States isn’t on that list. Alas!

    I was here in Florida by the time the whole George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin mess became a mess. Bondi did not perform well, which is why I’ve remained skeptical of her suitability for the AG job.

    I’m still a bit peeved we don’t have Matt Gaetz in that role.

  9. Al
    I would describe myself as a constitutional conservative. I’m a Trump fan foremost for his economic policies. I’m also a long time Biz guy, so those decisions affect my ability to earn. He hasn’t missed a beat so far, in my opinion. However, there’s a video slowly circulating of Bondi and Trump discussing Red Flag Laws. What they’re proposing is highly unconstitutional. So I’ve got some real heart burn over that. Your pissed off ex whore can report you as mentally unstable and poof, no more guns. Not Good. But Damn, those tits. No, I’ve never seen em, but I have a vivid imagination.

  10. Brad, Al is correct about her.

    You’re also correct about her and red flag laws.
    If Trump tries that though he will lose the House and Senate.

    It’s like I always say MAGA are not brain dead and aren’t led around by the nose. I think Trump knows that and knows better than to ever try it.

  11. People need to not allow things like the Epstein files assume the place in the overall scheme of things that it does not deserve.

    Keep your eyes on the prize and don’t take your eyes off of it. Dismantling what the progressive/Marxist/Satanists have built and destroying the power structure within the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement is the prize.

    I would like to see everything released and everyone involved go down, but not as an end in itself. Simple exposing and destroying those individuals involved is absolutely warranted, but what is more important is to maximize damage to the progressive/Marxist/Satanist agenda, which this can be part of.

    Let me also point out that the dirty motherfuckers have invested a hell of a lot of energy in protecting that shit. In so doing they have left themselves vulnerable all over the place. So much so that it really complicates sticking to the game plan.

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