Report: Dan Crenshaw Worked to Stop President Trump From Designating Cartels as Terrorist Groups – IOTW Report

Report: Dan Crenshaw Worked to Stop President Trump From Designating Cartels as Terrorist Groups

5 Comments on Report: Dan Crenshaw Worked to Stop President Trump From Designating Cartels as Terrorist Groups

  1. Just sayen, this guy about a 1/4 inch taller than Zelenskyy. About five pound heavier. Every ex or current Navy Seal hates this assholes gut for what he attempted to do to Eddie Gallagher. According to guys that served on the same team, nobody trusted the asshole. Go check out what the owner of High Value Targets has to say about this litle bitch.
    If Texas votes him in again they need to be expelled from the union.

  2. Brad, I was talking to a friend in Texas, she’s not in his district, but knows a lot of people in his district. She said she’s been told they have someone to primary him and have money to fight him.
    So I guess we’ll see. I don’t trust Republicans in primaries and believe they cheat just like Democrats.


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