Shellenberger tells Ukraine and Europe to grow up – IOTW Report

Shellenberger tells Ukraine and Europe to grow up

Healthy relationships depend on mutual respect. Ukraine and Europe don’t respect us; they look down on us. America never had any obligation to protect Ukraine. And now we’re asking why we should continue to spend our money, and put our lives on the line, to protect Europe.

10 Comments on Shellenberger tells Ukraine and Europe to grow up

  1. We got sick and tired of our own New World Order apparatchiks with their own agendas in our government and elected Trump to try to get rid of many of them. If we don’t like ours, we certainly aren’t going to blindly take orders from yours.

    You do you, Europe. I don’t know why you are intent on promoting what seems like a never ending war, but we get to ask why we should participate and make our own decisions in our best national interests.

  2. Meanwhile, it’s an ongoing muslim on white women rape-a-thon across western Europe.

    Maybe these globalist chancers should worry about their own countries first and let the USA do what it’s always done, lead the free world.

  3. I was watching some European show on YouTube, those people are some pussies and idiots.

    On one hand they’re trying to talk tough and say European leaders must put pressure on us, while also saying we can’t make bullets to protect Ukraine, we need US for ammo and military equipment.
    Then they were clutching their pearls saying it made them scared, made them cry to see a hero that hasn’t been seen since Churchill bullied.

    Y’all might not like us and apparently have always looked down your nose at us, but you’re screwed and have no pressure, have no cards yourself as you admit you need us, can’t do shit without us.

    People don’t have a clue what a bully is. That wasn’t being a bully, that was putting a punk in his place. Honestly his little pipsqueak ass thought he could come in and disrespect our house and make demands.

    We need some better allies, as these countries seem more like users than allies.

    Cut the pussies off. You want to talk big and bad, you want to disrespect us, then your money is cut off, figure out how to run NATO without us. We’ll continue providing you ammo and military equipment, but with a 100% markup.

    Those Canadian idiots we should just bankrupt and let them starve.

    They need to all get a clue about real Americans, we might get pissed at our country and we will call our country out when they’re wrong, but we won’t sit back and let foreigners run us, our President or our country down.

    You turn us against you and we will force our leaders to screw you every way we can.

  4. DocH
    If that pickup was running put of gas, I’d volunteer to pitch in some gas and/or gas money. Or maybe even transfer over and drag her down the road myself.

  5. @Old Racist White Woman

    Well put!

    What really gets me is that Victoria Nuland and others “coached” the punk Zelensky while he was travelling to DC.

    If those coaches were in any of the Major Leagues, their team would be cellar dwellers.


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