Zelensky Attempts to (Sort of) Apologize to Trump – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Zelensky Attempts to (Sort of) Apologize to Trump

  1. Pretty fishy that all those Euroweenies could get a meeting together with Zelensky so quickly.
    I bet they thought us Americans would be embarrassed or something and go along.
    Not happening
    Maybe Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood can send their money and kids

  2. It’s not just the midget. The EU has drafted a “Security Guarantee” for the United States. These clowns are demanding U.S. Soldiers in Ukraine. DEMANDING. Who the fuck do these people think they are? New flash. The Uke is not a NATO member. Why do these blood thirsty muther fuckers want war so bad? Why do they want to spill our sons and daughters blood so bad. Like I’ve been preaching, Trump’s put Europe, the EU, on a really bad path. And these inbred morons are nuts. We be better off partnering with Putin.

  3. “You don’t have to have a college degree to KNOW the difference between an apology and a ‘kiss ass’ or a slap in the face.”

    You’d have a lot better chance determining the difference if you never attended college. In fact College Educated peeps are at a big disadvantage.

  4. Sorry not sorry bullcrap “apology”. Zelensky’s just acting once again and really terrible at it. He continues to stir the pot by running to the EU hoping they can gang up on President Trump and the American people. That’s a fool’s game. The United States holds the purse string to the EU economies. They don’t have a leg to stand on – allies or not.

    President Trump should declare if the EU sides with Dictator Zelensky, (and his puppet master Obama) who hates peace, the financial free ride is over.
    Since the EU are arrogant enough to kiss off the United States they can handle their own business. The EU needs to feel vulnerable, naked and afraid. A way to make them think twice about stealing from the US.

    The Ukranian people indeed are suffering from their “President’s” Deep State grifting, but they will have to overthrow him or never have peace. At this point they’ve lost the war against Russia. Ukraine’s only hope is US intervention to keep Russia from taking over…as a favor! Thanks to the piano jerk, Zelensky that may not ever happen.


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