‘Administrators direct teachers to inform ONLY African American parents and students about these opportunities, leaving other students unaware’
WND: Officials in the Fresno Unified School District in California, with 71,000 students, have set up a number of academic support programs for them.
Only they are “marketed” only to black students.
Which has prompted the Pacific Legal Foundation to launch a legal challenge to the district for “unlawfully gating” access to the student help programs.
“It is unfair and unconstitutional to gate access to valuable educational programs based on a child’s race, regardless of whether the exclusion is explicit or implicit,” explained PLF lawyer Wilson Freeman.
“Taxpayer-funded academic support programs should be available to all students based on need, not race. FUSD’s practices violate multiple legal protections, including the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, the Civil Rights Act, and California’s Proposition 209.”
The district, in fact, has an “Office of African American Academic Acceleration,” to address achievement gaps between black students and others. more
School boards and administrator’s need to be DOGE’d as well.
Old enough to remember when the people that had these roles in schools also had to teach classes.
Recall when it became a full time Administrative job and schools have gone to hell since.
Time to end “administrative” rulers at every level.
ok for ****** assholes to shit on yt, yo!
I haven’t seen Liberals this wide-eyed crazy since Tampon Tim vowed to make America as great as Minneapolis!
This is discrimination under color of law
This provision makes it a crime for someone acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. It is not necessary that the offense be motivated by racial bias or by any other animus.
Defendants act under color of law when they wield power vested by a government entity. Those prosecuted under the statute typically include police officers, sheriff’s deputies, and prison guards. However other government actors, such as judges, district attorneys, other public officials, and public school employees can also act under color of law and can be prosecuted under this statute.
Anyone who participated in any capacity, or even knew and didn’t report, needs to be terminated and never allowed to ever hold another government job.
Then sued onto the streets.
They need to be DOA’d (preferably from orbit); it’s the only way to be sure.
And yet they still fail miserably. Hmmm.
And yet they still fail miserably. Hmmm.
If the school board doesn’t fire everyone involved, the school board needs to be replaced by outraged parents who will fire everyone involved.