“It’s now in the possession of the FBI. Director [Kash] Patel is going to get me a detailed report as to why all these documents and evidence had been withheld,” she said. “We’re gonna go through it as fast as we can.”
JTN: Attorney General Pam Bondi on Monday night confirmed that the FBI delivered a truckload of documents related to its investigation of financier Jeffrey Epstein, after she gave the bureau a hard Friday deadline.
Bondi initially teased she would be dropping more documents in the Justice Department’s probe into the alleged sex trafficker last week, but the results fell flat.
The attorney general claimed last Thursday that the FBI had provided her with limited information and appeared to have knowingly withheld large volumes of relevant material from her, and gave them a Friday morning deadline to comply with the rest. more
Whut are the odds that it is a truckload of nothing?
In all honesty this should be a priority. Perhaps some of the release will come this week after Trump’s speech tonight. Or it will be two more weeks….
Harry, it sure sounds like a Hillary-style document dump. While they are sifting through the haystack, the needle has been moved elsewhere. Here’s hoping that the whiz kids know how to move fifty times faster than the plodding bureaucrats who usually handle the search drudgery.
It is GOOD that FBI agents are already getting fired over this.
If this truckload of documents are as heavily redacted as the first ones, Kash may need to NYC FBI with Federal Marshals to seize all the unredacted original paper documents plus have a couple of Musk’s Kids in tow to dig out the hidden original unredacted digital documents to get at the real truth.
How about they also demand the raw data used in each and every Global Warming “study” that has so much as a red cent of federal money in it next? Then demand that universities pay it all back. Bankrupt the sonsabitches and go after their personal fortunes as well.
From thousands of pages to a “truckload”? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
Dare I say that President Trump better get a handle on this and damn quick.
The truck is sitting on her desk now. LOL
That makes no sense as written. “FBI delivered ‘truckload’ of Epstein documents” The next sentence states: “It’s now in the possession of the FBI.” ??????
Dinesh D’Souza’s most recent podcast, “Zelensky’s Last Dance”, was a really good source of info about how long it has been since the FBI and CIA have been seriously questioned about their inner workings. Michael Waller talks about how the congress has abdicated their role in holding these organizations to account.
Partial podcast description: “J. Michael Waller, author and Senior Analyst at the Center for Security Policy, joins Dinesh to talk about the role of U.S. intelligence agencies in the Ukraine war and also in this country.”
I highly recommend listening to it.
Just exactly WHO is in charge?
So far, that’s all this woman does is come on the air and blow smoke up your ass.
This might be the first dud in Trump’s cabinet.
I’m not ready to paint Bondi with a broad brush just yet. You just don’t stop the lying, conniving, skullduggery and fraud overnight. It is a well established way of life for them that simply will not stop until they are all replaced.
A few hangings would stop this dead in its tracks.
If the new AG didn’t know how impatient we are for justice, she should know now. The fiasco with the binders was more than disappointing, it revealed that she either didn’t read the material herself, or that she wasn’t up to speed on what had already been available and for how long. The repeated emphasis of “protecting the information of the victims” only raises a bazillion red flags about how forthcoming the FBI will be on the larger issue. Yes, EVERYONE KNOWS victims must be protected, but what about the rest of the stuff?!
…and we all saw the video of the FBI going into and coming out of Epstein’s island compound with unending numbers of boxes. I’m questioning whether one truck load really accounts for all that was seized.
Please, I beg all of you…do NOT hold your breath waiting for the release. Your life is too valuable.
Trump should walk in to congress tonight carrying a folder that says, “Epstein List”. Then his first message to the crowd should be, “If anyone tries anything to disrupt this speech tonight, I will stop what I’m saying and start reading the names in this list.” I guarantee you’ll be able to hear a pin drop for the rest of his speech.
A truckload of Redaction?
I wish it was a truckload of arrests
She already proved she can’t be trusted. She went on air and lied. You can’t spin it any other way, she lied.
I know “truckloads” was just a figure of speech, but if nobody was doin’ nothin’ with Epstein, how come there’s so much stuff?
Unless, the FBI had been keeping extensive blackmail records for years. And wouldn’t the CIA be involved? Shouldn’t we shine a light over that way?
Another useless POS at AG, America is 5 for 5 on useless or corrupt AG’s. Trump should dump her and put Pirro in, she doesn’t take crap from anybody.