Biden EPA Gave a Social Justice Group $20 Million To Replace Lead Pipes and Restore Wetlands – IOTW Report

Biden EPA Gave a Social Justice Group $20 Million To Replace Lead Pipes and Restore Wetlands

The Group Has Experience With Neither.

WFB: The Biden Environmental Protection Agency gave a little-known social justice advocacy group $20 million to restore wetlands and remove lead pipes in hundreds of homes. The group has no experience doing either of those things.

The EPA awarded the grant to Democracy Green in December as part of a $1.6 billion environmental justice initiative—the Climate Justice Community Change Program—championed by former president Joe Biden and former EPA administrator Michael Regan. Democracy Green said at the time that it would be tasked with implementing the grant’s programs while another group, the Working Lands Trust, would be tasked with providing administrative support.

“The project will involve the removal of lead pipes from homes and communities, as well as investments in nature-based solutions to restore wetlands, enhance natural water filtration, reduce flooding impacts, and support biodiversity, creating a more resilient watershed and environment,” the Biden EPA said of the grant.

But Democracy Green has never conducted wetlands restoration or lead pipe removals at any scale, a Washington Free Beacon review found. more

14 Comments on Biden EPA Gave a Social Justice Group $20 Million To Replace Lead Pipes and Restore Wetlands

  1. Did Detroit ever fix its lead pipe problem? I know the US gov’t gave them gobs and gobs of money to fix it.
    I mean, I KNOW the money is gone. I just don’t know whether it was actually used for what they said they desperately needed it for.

  2. A nuther pile of money that might as well have been used for connecting rural homes to the internet…

    What have I said?
    democRAT-Socialists will steal the nation blind so long as they juuuust put a nice sounding label on it!

  3. 2¢ on the dollar ever gets to the “vulnerable population” these NGOs and “non profits” are ostensibly set up to help. They are absolutely corrupt to the core.

  4. LCD, I think you’re referring to Flint MI.
    The answer is kinda sorta but a hell of a lot of hand picked small contractors got rich doing the majority of them over many years.

  5. I could just kick myself. I could’ve made such easy money with USAID under the retard Biden administration. Here’s how…

    – Set up a non-profit whose goal was to promote eco-friendly, carbon neutral deep sea fishing in Indonesia by transgender fisherpersons of color in order to mitigate climate change, homophobia, and racism in SE Asia.

    – Make the right promises and procure a $5 million USAID grant.

    – Buy a hut on the beach in Bali. Call it our HQ. Hire a photographer to make some promotional brochures to send back to our strip mall office in Northern Virginia.

    – Send half the grant money to Act Blue to smurf to the DNC and friendly “journalists”.

    – Pay myself a $300k/year annual salary until the cash runs out. Spend most of the year chilling in Bali.

    – Come up with a new plan to promote the protection of the rare fresh water alligator shrimp only found in the mountains of Papua New Guinea from the affects of climate change. Rinse, repeat.

  6. WHAT A READ….FAMILY DINDU making out like bandits

    But Democracy Green lists just seven staff members: executive director Sanja Whittington, two coordinators, and four fellows. Whittington’s daughter La’Meshia—a social justice professor and self-described “Afro-Indigenous” equity transformation agent—is the president of Democracy Green’s four-person board of directors, which also includes Whittington’s son Robert, an environmental justice associate for the North Carolina Black Alliance.

  7. @TheMule — Wonderful idea! Sorry you seem to have missed out.

    If you should ever get the chance to put it together, you may not like being on the beach. There are too many tourists, particularly low-life drunk Aussies. Try the mountains. Get yourself to Ubud and then work north.


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