CT Dem Gets Busted for Allegedly Driving Drunk As His Wife Sleeps Soundly in Backseat of His Car  – IOTW Report

CT Dem Gets Busted for Allegedly Driving Drunk As His Wife Sleeps Soundly in Backseat of His Car 

Gateway Pundit: A young Democrat lawmaker was caught by police earlier this week allegedly driving drunk while putting his wife in and others in danger.

Fox News reported that 30-year-old Connecticut State Rep. Aundré Bumgardner was arrested Sunday morning in Groton, Connecticut, and charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and reckless driving. Police authorities said in their report Bumgardner had “a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath as he spoke.”

Police also noted that the Bumgardner’s eyes were “red and glossy” while one of his vehicle’s front tires was flat and “barely staying on the rim.” more here

7 Comments on CT Dem Gets Busted for Allegedly Driving Drunk As His Wife Sleeps Soundly in Backseat of His Car 

  1. Ya know I drink. Probably to much. But I’d never put someone else’s life in danger by climbing behind the wheel shit faced. If we go out, I don’t touch a drop. When I drink, I do so at home. Was his wife clothed? Just asking.

  2. Connecticut – let’s see what happens to him.
    We have a drunk here who drove and caused personal injury and skated because daddy has money and influence.
    His van had to be fitted with that breath-o-lizer gizmo to start it so daddy “loaned” him an SUV not so equipped.

    Money talks and bullshit walks.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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