On Thursday, President Trump issued an executive order that cut federal ties with the Spygate incubator and major Democrat law firm Perkins Coie. The president did so based on the firm’s partisan dishonesty, and because it openly discriminates based on sex and race.
This is a good legal basis for refusing to work with any company, and it should be extended to every legal entity in the country. Top of the list should be the American Bar Association, which also advocates for and engages in unlawful racial and sexual discrimination and is a highly partisan actor on behalf of the Democrat Party and other anti-Constitution activists.
The ABA deeply affects the U.S. lawyer pipeline and licensing system, accrediting law schools, rating judges, and weaponizing lawyer discipline. Its rabid leftism means the ABA systematically ratchets the entire U.S. legal system against the U.S. Constitution.
That’s an existential threat to the country, as most recently illustrated by the dozens of federal judges the ABA helped advance who hate our supreme law so much they rule that the elected executive cannot control the unelected executive branch. With judges like those the ABA advances, the United States will quickly discard what remnants of our constitutional order persist. more
Absolutely this should be done
****** assholes, gtfo. or proceed @ your own risk
only 1 way to get rid of lawyer-assholes
“Lawyers are like other people–fools on the average; but it is easier for an ass to succeed in that trade than any other.”
Mark Twain
They definitely drive in the left lane and love to block anyone who tries to pass.
Same with the ACLU and now even lots of the Clergy.
It’s getting hard to drive today.
ACLU stands for Anti-Christian Liberties Union. The ACLU was founded in the 1920’s by the Bolshevik and communist sympathizer Roger Baldwin. They have never been on the side of God, the American people or our Constitution and the rule of law since their founding over 100 years ago.
I always thought it was American Communist Lawyers’ Union.
It should be both.
the aba-******-assholes better stay out of tx
It’s.becomme a bullshit organization at best. At worst, it is terrorizing conservatives and ruining their lives.