Regarding the Child That Allegedly Died From Measles…
True story or not… why are people vaccinating anyone when they are sick or
are having a chronic disease flare up?
Regarding the Child That Allegedly Died From Measles…
True story or not… why are people vaccinating anyone when they are sick or
are having a chronic disease flare up? ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.
To kill them.
You must obey!
If you go back to the origins of vaccination, late 18th century into the 19th, there was reasonable value in doing it. So what has changed???
Profits. Profits are what has changed.
So vaccines in general aren’t necessarily bad. But specific ones may have been created for purposes that are not altruistic. And many aren’t even vaccines! But that term has been ingrained into our minds as ‘safe and good for us’.
As much as the politicians and pharma CEOs have disgusted me in this whole Coof/vaxxx fraud, they arent the ones that disgust me utterly. After all, those groups were acting according to type.
Every politician is a would-be dictator who believes ANYTHING they do to take and maintain power for themselves is acceptable, so no surprises there. They are simply acting according to type. While we csn and should despise them, this is merely expected behavior.
Same with CEOs. Its all about the Benjamins. If it kills people, so be it, theyve got the money. If it makes and keeps them sick, that means a permenant revenue stream and profits, profits, PROFITS! Again, anyone who DOESNT expect a healthcare executive to be an amoral scumball who would poision his own mother if the EBITDA is right, so despicable though they may be, they again are acting according to type.
…no, the people who disgust me the most
Are doctors.
Because they all knew better.
They KNEW none of that nonsense prevented transmission, but went along anyway.
They KNEW Ivermectin worked but banned it anyway.
They KNEW Remdesivir killed, but prescribed it anyway.
They KNEW ventilators were murder, but used them anyway.
And they KNOW the vaxxx is worse than useless and destroys young lives, but merrily poision the kids anyhow despite the fact there is NO RISK TO THEM and they get -NO- benefit from it, but DO get maimed and killed, all for the sake of “legal immunity”.
And worst of all, the doctors turned cowards.
Supposedly SWORN healers who chose to cower behind multiple masks and hide on the other side of a room and sometimes a camera, too fearful to touch their own patients, too scared to do surgeries and cancer treatments, too craven to even allow perfectly healthy relatives to stand and pray by their vaxxx murdered loved one’s bedside…too pusillanimous to even object to the quartering of the Coof infected in otherwise healthy populations of the elderly.
The doctors COULD have stopped it…but were too timourous to defy their corporate masters at their corporate medical collectives, their Pharma bosses, or their Federal overlords even though they KNEW what they were doing was WRONG.
Putting aside that they practiced medicine like they had NO IDEA they’d be dealing with infectuous diseases, it is VILE that they acquiesed by silence and by outright consent to the maiming, the sterelizing, the the torture and the murder of people who trusted them with not only their lives, but their CHILDREN’S lives as well. People approached them in hope and trust, and doctors either out of greed or fear betrayed that trust and betray it to this DAY.
The medical profession is DEAD.
It was infected by a political disease and doctors murdered it with cowardice.
Left Coast Dan
Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 15:54 at 3:54 pm
…vaccines were vaccines then.
They REDEFINED “Vaccine” in 2020 to make that mRNA poision one when it didnt IN ANY WAY fit the previous definition of “Vaccine”.
That is one reason I dub it a triple XXX rated “Vaxxxine”.
Because what they did to the concept of vaccination and of medicine is an absolute OBSCENITY.
SNS- Amen brother, I’ll never trust another doctor.
Better to get sick and then take the vaccine than to take the vaccine and then get sick.
@SNS – yep. I often call that out.
Plus, if the mRNA for covid was at all beneficial it was not as a vaccine but as a prophylactic.
Why vaccinate when you’re sick with measles shouldn’t be the question. The question is WhyTF vaccinate at all for measles? When I got it when I was about 10, my mom made my younger sister sleep in my room so she would get it. She did. We both recovered in a few days. It was no big deal and you’re immune for life.
MMinWA, kid didn’t have measles. Kid already was sick with viral or bacterial pneumonia, a complication of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), in other words so sick he had to go to the hospital instead of recovering from what’s usually identified as a cold.
And the hospital vaxxed him for the measles.
This to me is murder.
A patient cured is a patient lost. Now, take these pills for the remainder of your existence, and be sure to get all your shots.