Listen, my children, and you shall hear… about the coffeepot worth 1.3 mil made by Paul Revere – IOTW Report

Listen, my children, and you shall hear… about the coffeepot worth 1.3 mil made by Paul Revere

Newser: With its elegantly curved spout, detailed engravings, and pine cone-shaped ornamental lid topper, a 250-year-old sterling silver coffeepot sold earlier this year for nearly half a mil at Sotheby’s, thanks to one six-letter word near the top of the artifact: “Revere.” Now, the rare silver treasure—believed to have been crafted by none other than Paul Revere, who famously rode on horseback during the Revolutionary War to warn locals in Massachusetts that British soldiers were on their way—is on sale once again, this time for nearly $1.3 million. more

17 Comments on Listen, my children, and you shall hear… about the coffeepot worth 1.3 mil made by Paul Revere

  1. Well, I’m a precision machinist. I have all the toys and all the software and all the bad ass machines. And thoroughly enjoy the hell out of someone who pounded that thing out over an open flame and then engraved it. How the hell did he drill the hole for the flipper hinge back then. Thanks MJA. A whole new respect for Paul Revere and the Raiders. LOL

  2. There’s good news and there’s bad news.

    The good news is that there are a lot of people who have so much money that they can spend it on something that has to be polished every few weeks or it looks like crap.

    The bad news is that if these indeed was made around 1775 instead of a good few years earlier, it probably was made by one of Revere’s dozens of apprentices. Paul was busy doing other things…


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