Former talk show host Wendy Williams was transported by ambulance from her New York City assisted living facility on Monday, following a distressing plea for help.
The 60-year-old media personality reportedly dropped a handwritten note from her fifth-floor window that read, “Help! Wendy!!”
The incident occurred around 11:15 a.m., prompting a wellness check by the New York Police Department, according to the New York Post.
Officers arrived at the facility in Midtown Manhattan’s Hudson Yards neighborhood, where Williams was described as calm and cooperative. more
Sounds like she needs a dedicated MEMORY CARE facility. Karma is a bitch.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are complicated places. Ive been in more of them than I like to think about in several different capacities and from that I can tell you that determining who is lucid and who is crazy is more of a spectrum than a discrete determination, and that some of those folks move more fliudly along that spectrum than you might think.
Some things are pretty obvious, like sundowners. We have several folks here familiar with that. They can often seem pretty normal when its light out, then the lights go out and the screaming starts. You might think theyre being murdered but they are not, it can be pretty chilling even if you are familiar with it, and absolutely terrifying if you are not.
Of course, this is complicated by the fact that in SOME places the staff actually are torturing the inmates, counting on even relatives thinking they are too demented to be believed.
You learn to look for signs of abuse, bruising that a person cant inflict on thenselves, and injuries inconsistent with the mechanisms the home reports. its kind of like child abuse but even harder to DX because the staff all have SOME medical training and so are better at explaining away their evil than the average stepfather us, and also more likely to cover each other’s sins. But while you cant totally trust the account of a demented old lady you cant disregard it either, and if shes babbling about a sexual trauma in too much detail to be anything but recent memory you’d best get the rape kit out because if you dont think sexual assaults happen in extended care facilities then, buddy, I sure envy you the dream world you live in, is all I can say.
But the abuse is normally of a lesser variety, neglegence or neglect or simply callousness, more often psychological that physical when it isnt in the inmates mind. Because older folks who have lost their anchors on reality are often frightened of EVERYTHING, and their mind may make much of the simplest of things like a keeper refusing to let them go outside alone.
But assisted living as defined separately from nursing care can be both better and worse. Better because the inmates are in better physical and mental shape than their Home counterparts, and worse because theres less staff with less training, and at night frequently what amounts to a resident advisor who is little more than a gatekeeper who occasionally calls 911.
This sounds like what WW was in.
I dont know the ten questions they speak of, but having seen the Three Questions that they used to ask to decide if they could justify releasing a crazy person back into the night, its a safe bet that they just keep asking the same questions until the askee learns the right answers by rote. Doesnt mean theyre sane, not by a long shot, just that theyve learned to game the system.
But if the system being gamed is a $10,000 a month glorified apartment that has a vested interest in bleeding you white financially, then maybe its gaming things a bit itself.
…its complicated, is what Im saying.
Maybe this chick is crazy, maybe shes in an abusive conservatorship like Brian Wilson was, maybe the home wants to keep its semi-rich and semi-famous client past her time or maybe shes one of those ones that can talk sane for five minutes, then hold a conversation with her dead relatives in a nearby sunbeam right after talking to you, IDK.
All Im saying is that her case needs to be reviewed by someone with NO stake in in and NO ax to grind, who surprise visits the facility and interviews the chick with someone who KNOWS her and can tell if shes got both oars in the water or not because she knows the truth of it, and wont accept some funhouse version of the past as Disney Canon.
Telling theres a problem is EASY.
Actually RESOLVING the problem is NOT.
I completely GIVE, NOT 1 SHIT, for another useless Chicken Clucker talk show host.
tell someone who gives a shit, ura just another useless ****** twat