@choeshow. It’s been a rollercoaster ride for Lynnwood after city council appointee Jessica Roberts’ demented social media posts were outed to the community. On Thursday, the transgender Only Fans performer withdrew from the council after community outrage. Residents also packed City Council Chambers to sound off on elected officials. MORE h/t Mrs6pak
How much would you guess a tranny’s Only Fans channel would rake in per week? I’d say maybe as much as ten or twelve bucks. Or am I overestimating?
Force them back into the carnival tent where they belong.
Is this not entirely consistent with what I’ve been posting about urban areas in the Puget Sound region and surrounding Portland Oregon right here for over a decade now? and you better believe Vancouver Washington is in it up past their eyeballs.
Look, I worked in a position in a suburban Seattle city that until ~2020 I often referred to as an island of sanity in a sea of insanity. It too has morphed into just another wokie phenokie shithole, never a day goes by that there isn’t a murder, knifing or other social pathology reported on the news. In my position I was managing bike and pedestrian efforts and as such attended regional meetings and the fact that thieve was reference to this individual being considered was tied to their being involved in that. Look, Cascade Bicycle Club USED TO BE a bicycle advocacy organization and is recognized as such, but they are nothing more than a progressive/Marxist/Satanist front any longer and have been for the entire quarter decade I was directly involved.
Trust me, if you were to look into the staffing at City Halls throughout these jurisdictions you will find that freaks and fairies, dykes and harries and every other perversion has been actively recruited and hired. You won’t find that going on in the City and County Maintenance Shops, but at City Halls they are coming out of the woodwork and don’t you dare criticize any of their ideas if you don’t want to be accused and targeted.
The arrogance and cavalier attitude and constant in your face displaying of their sexual peccadillos and outright perversion is constant. They are considered untouchable and strut around like fucking peacocks wearing their perversity on their sleves like a goddamned badge of honor.
There isn’t a Board or Commission that is there ostensibly to serve as a voice of the community at large that I’m aware of in which the elected and appointed officials haven’t put at least one of these goddamn freaks on and as for the rest of those who have been appointed, they are not there to serve as a voice of the community at large, they are there to help City and County staff control the narrative at public outreach sessions and public meetings and receive coaching and training in that regard.
The simple fact that the entire Council in Lynwood was on board is indicative of just how ingrained into the system this has become. It is absolutely and unequivocally driven by the University of Washington Urban Planning school in Tacoma and graduates from that shithole basically have taken over all local government and the State has been structuring federal grant funding in such ways that rural and suburban communities and counties have to hire these fuckers if they want to have any hope of applying for and receiving any funding. That is how they have been pushing these fuckers out into every corner of the State of Washington and trust me they bring all of this shit with them when they come.
I listen to my friends get threatened by unhinged Libtards is Washington state. It’s more than disturbing. These people are freaken unhinged nut jobs. If your this sexually/mentally fucked up there’s got to be a little alarm bell going off saying, I should keep a low profile. Oh but hell no. Washington State and Oregon are breeding a special type of cultural terrorist. And you’re going to need to kill them. Period, end of story, and yes they will find the Trump voters and they will come after you.