Trump Administration Kicks Out South African Ambassador – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Kicks Out South African Ambassador

Breitbart: The Trump administration has ejected South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool out of the country, declaring him persona non grata after he gave a lecture claiming that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist leader.

Rubio linked to a Breitbart News article that reported on a lecture Rasool had given Friday morning to a South African think tank, in which he had claimed that Trump was leading a global white supremacist movement. more

9 Comments on Trump Administration Kicks Out South African Ambassador

  1. (cring!) D’OH!
    “White supremacist leader”.
    So pontificates the asshole whose country is led by the black led political party that steals land from the successful white South African multigenerational farmers, then GIVES that same land to the know-nothing black city dwellers, because…..reparations, or something.
    The farmland that was once thriving and productive, quickly falls into barren and waste.
    A country that once easily fed itself and exported excess, now struggles to feed itself, nevermind exporting excess.

  2. Rashole literally comes from a country whose President orders his followers to kill white farmers. And Rashole is white. What is it about white shitlibs that they crave to wipe out their own race? Daddy issues?


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