America’s Biggest Cuck – IOTW Report

America’s Biggest Cuck

Bill Burr’s Elon Derangement Syndrome. Paul Joseph Watson has the story.

7 Comments on America’s Biggest Cuck

  1. Agreed, he is a talented comedian, but he hasn’t learned not to mix politics and religion with his work. That only winds up polarizing his audience and I go back to the basic, fundamental question:
    Why would you intentionally piss-off any percentage of your customer base??? Are you stupid or what!

  2. The male version of the strikingly unamusing Samantha Bee routine.

    Begin with an outright lie posited as the truth
    Spout misc. vulgarity
    ‘Prove’ your moral/intellectual ‘superiority’
    Spew more unrelated vulgarity.
    Repeat ad nauseam.


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