Sanctuary city lawyers caught in scheme to help migrants evade ICE – IOTW Report

Sanctuary city lawyers caught in scheme to help migrants evade ICE


A group email revealed a scheme by Minneapolis-area lawyers to help illegal immigrants duck federal authorities.

The reported message went out to a private email list containing members of the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) on February 6, says an anonymous member who spoke to Fox News. This message corresponds with the date Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison formally declared that the state’s law “prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies from holding someone based on an immigration detainer if the person would otherwise be released from custody.” This effectively means Minnesota would refuse to honor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers.

The subject line of one of the emails revealed the location of immigration authorities, reading “ICE at the PSF,” which may be referring to the Public Safety Facility.

“LRC just got word that plainclothes ICE officers have been spotted at the Hennepin County PSF today. Let’s do all we can to keep our clients safe in these difficult times,” the body of the email reads. more here

4 Comments on Sanctuary city lawyers caught in scheme to help migrants evade ICE

  1. Ellison is an enemy to the United States and a POS muslim to boot.

    Why is he not incarcerated? Why are any of these fucks not dealt with severely?

    I thought cutsie time was over.

  2. “Let’s do all we can to keep our clients safe in these difficult times, …”
    “Our clients?”
    Are they on retainer by the illegal-alien invading rat-people?

    This is an open admission of “aiding and abetting” enemies of the United States.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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