California Dems Offer Prayer to a Strange New God to Open Assembly Session – IOTW Report

California Dems Offer Prayer to a Strange New God to Open Assembly Session

FrontPage: Okay, wait, I thought they worshiped Dylan Mulvaney. But if the Democrats are anything, they’re full of surprises, as we saw at the California state assembly on Friday. A Democrat assembly member offered a prayer to open the assembly session, as is the time-honored custom, but the prayer wasn’t to any deity that you’d learn about in the average world religions course, even in these latter days of American colleges and universities being reduced to little more than Antifa recruitment centers. The prayer was offered to none other than Beyoncé. more

13 Comments on California Dems Offer Prayer to a Strange New God to Open Assembly Session

  1. She’s married to fucking Diddy. He’s as bad as that other asshole, I can’t think of his name right now, but he’s in jail for being a black Epstein. And they are saying a prayer to her? Those people are sick!

  2. Remember how before Trump was elected we wanted to split the nation? Split it because we saw no means to unite it? Split it because our beliefs, practices and behaviors were so far apart that there was no middle ground?

    I still can’t come up with an argument that counters the split.

  3. 🛑 BAPHOMET 🛑

    The woman who wears big baphomet rings, claims a spirit comes inside her before each concert, husband wears Alister Crowley “Do as thou wilt” hats and t-shirts.

    Pray to the evil people. No wonder California is ripe to be flipped over into the Pacific Ocean.

  4. I can see why the primitives at the foothills of the Himalayas considered Alexander the Great a god, but Beyonce ?!!!

    An easier case could be made for almost anyone, say…. Sly and the Family Stone!!


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