This Is Pretty Cool – IOTW Report

10 Comments on This Is Pretty Cool

  1. Great montage of a great man. Also, a reminder Mr. Trump is incredibly handsome. Eventually, Barron, a smart, good looking guy in his own right will most likely following in his father’s foot steps.

  2. There is one single thing that stands apart from everything else good about POTUS Trump. He calls his children “honey”. All of them. His affection for his children and grandchildren is deeply felt and genuine.

    I listened to a podcast with Eric Trump a little while back in which Eric talked about his early working life at the Trump Organization. He explained that none of his siblings were given a corner office — they had to earn their place through hard, often menial labor, work, just as their father had before them.

    He recalled how his father called him very early on a work day (Eric groaning about how early his dad is up and on the job). When Eric answered the phone in a groggy voice, his father asked, “Honey, are you awake?” I think Eric said it was well before 6a.

    In his Oval Office tour with Laura Ingram, Trump said he calls each of his kids once a day.


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