Atlantic Reporter Bites Self? – IOTW Report

Atlantic Reporter Bites Self?

@ScottJenningsKY just blew apart the narratives coming from the Atlantic hit piece published today and pointed out the facts.

“The Signal program was pre-loaded on a number of devices and agency computers in this circuit when they got there, so in their view, it was already in use.”

“In some of the messages they talk about needing to go to the high side computers, which is the classified system.” “So they clearly knew there was a line on what you could discuss in a chat like this versus a classified system.” “There is a dispute over whether the term “war plans” is being exaggerated.”

“Look, I love the policy. It‘s well executed. You‘ve got a thoughtful policy discussion going on. We did what the Biden Administration would not do: stop these people from harassing our shipping lanes, our boats, and our Navy. So, good on the Trump Administration for reversing a bad policy.”

8 Comments on Atlantic Reporter Bites Self?

  1. So……
    find out which computer…..
    auto added the reporter…..
    seems like that’s a given…..

    Then find the Biden official…..
    that utilized that computer system…..
    bleed them until they admit leaking…..
    in the past and then trade for…..
    his co-leakers…..?????


  2. Once the mainstream media and the anti-Trump talking heads have blown the whole thing out of proportion lets set the record straight on CNN where nobody will see it.

  3. All of this is of material interest to the public. Instead Goldberg shut it down absolutely and basically told the manager that he was in a place he wasn’t supposed to be. Why would he do that? He left the the chat. Any journalist would have stayed in there, gathered as much information as possible, just to see how the sausage is really made. This is an illegal war and that’s what the story really should be about: the Policy. But what Jeffrey Goldberg did by leaving, then telling the White House, then blowing it as an OPC failure Scandal which is sort of a palace Intrigue about a bunch of bum bumbling idiots you know from the stupid party who aren’t supposed to be in these posts. Those post should be occupied by really smart guys like Jake Sullivan. Screwing around with National Security is the real story. A gargantuan Empire waging an illegal War without Congressional approval on a poor besieged country because it is controlled by the only force on the planet that is actually taking up arms to stop the Gaza genocide which Jeffrey Goldberg supports. Jeffrey Goldberg didn’t want it to go there. So he steps away makes it about OPC. About bumbling fools. And that fits with the whole Beltway press culture which wants this.
    And yes, I actually read Goldberg’s column.

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