A Bailout Won’t Help States With No Financial Backbone – IOTW Report

A Bailout Won’t Help States With No Financial Backbone

Daily Signal: At a time when huge spending bills marked “coronavirus relief” are easily passing Congress with little scrutiny, poorly run states are asking unscrupulous members of Congress to slip in taxpayer bailouts to rescue them from years of their own fiscal mismanagement.

In response, the House of Representatives on Friday passed a coronavirus relief bill that includes a half trillion dollars (trillion with a “t”) in unrestricted funds to bail out state governments for years of reckless expenditures entirely unrelated to the pandemic.

I have the same reaction to these proposals that I had when I worked in government and people were proposing millions of dollars in monuments to little known people on what seemed like every street corner, while many Americans were out of work and struggling to make their next mortgage payment: “Have you lost your mind?” MORE HERE

5 Comments on A Bailout Won’t Help States With No Financial Backbone

  1. All bailouts will be done with borrowed money, a promise to pay for it with our future work product to those that lend to us (meaning we give it to them and don’t have it for ourselves).

    Outside of what amounts to future slavery or the future equivalent of sharecropping for the working class, there is no way to bailout anyone or any State government. They -the working class- must give away the future product of their labor in order to finance the present and its bailouts.

    Is this wise considering it is simply meant to avoid dealing with the present realities of our actions now and putting it off till later?

  2. I would say, “let them fail, our state will take them when they realize their folly”.

    But then, my state would just be seeded with a bunch of lazy begging dirty effn demmies.

    So I say, “let them fail, and you fuckers that voted for the thieves that are in power and are still at the trough begging from me, go fuck yourself”. Enjoy the tent in front of city hall you should be living in.

  3. Has there been anything, anything at all done the way we on the right want it done during this scamdemic?

    Well, then you aught to know that these leftist states are going to get hundreds of billions of dollars from the federal govt. So all of their state gov’t employees and retirees can literally swim in money from the taxpayer. There are over 350,000 empoyees and retirees in Ca that make over 100 grand. Some WAAAAAY more than 100k We get to pay for it now. I say now because it’s a done deal. Either congress appropriates it for them or the federal reserve just tells the states to issue the bonds which the fed reserve will then promptly buy. Worthless bonds that the states will not repay.

    It will be one of the other. Gare-on-teed. Because the republican pols that are supposed to be on our side are the fucking scum of the earth.

  4. The point of the “bailout” is the skim.

    Same as any other “bailout.”
    Nothing but bare naked greed. The Federally politically-connected will get the cheese, the State politically-connected will get the bread, and the rest of us will get the crumbs.

    Just the way it works. Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Schitt, Nadler, Hoyer, Dingell, and a host of maggot lawyers and corrupt deep-staters will get rich(er).

    izlamo delenda est …


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