A Biden Presidency: Coffee Break’s Over, Back on Your Heads – IOTW Report

A Biden Presidency: Coffee Break’s Over, Back on Your Heads

PJM: The possibility that the Democrats could get away with this grand theft and install Joe Biden’s handlers in the Oval Office reminds me of an old joke: a man dies and goes to hell. Satan greets him at the gates and says, “You know, we get such bad media coverage. Hell really isn’t as bad as you’ve probably heard. In fact, you get to choose the eternal torment you prefer.” The miscreant was taken aback, and said, “All right, show me what you’ve got.” Satan showed him a room in which people were being tortured in fire, and another where they were encased in ice, and a third where they were sitting at tables drinking coffee and chatting pleasantly, although knee-deep in excrement. “This room doesn’t seem as bad as the others,” the man tells Satan. “I’ll take this room.” But as soon as the man enters, sits down, and orders his coffee, he hears: “Coffee break’s over. Back on your heads.” That’s Joe Biden’s presidency in a nutshell.

After a four-year coffee break, the Biden victory would mean that it’s time to get back on our heads. It would signal a return to the failed policies of the past: high taxes, crushing regulations, and the managed decline of the American economy as American jobs and industries are steadily outsourced to Joe’s pals in China and to other countries where workers are willing or forced to work more cheaply. It would mean a return to open-borders internationalism, with the repeal on the new administration’s first day (if old Joe and/or Kamala keep their promises) of what they call Trump’s “Muslim ban,” that is, his prohibition of entry from thirteen countries, Muslim and non-Muslim, that cannot or will not provide adequate information about those wishing to enter. So who will be coming in? Who knows? And who cares, as long as their names can be entered on a ballot if our new masters deign to go through the charade of allowing us to vote again? read more

23 Comments on A Biden Presidency: Coffee Break’s Over, Back on Your Heads

  1. It’s much worse than that. Free and fair elections are the foundation of our system of government. If they get away with cheating on the national level, they will gain absolute and permanent power within a few years. The law will be whatever they say it is at any given moment.

  2. It’s our ‘totalitarian moment’ – right now.

    I see three legal options short of civil war and/or attempts at secession:

    (1) Win the recounts and legal actions in the States involved in the fraud.

    (2) Prove the fraud to SCOTUS and get the election nullified, thereafter holding a new, verified election for President.

    (3) The States call for an Article V. Convention Of The States, suspending Congress while re-writing the Constitution to guarantee no Federal election fraud and directing a new election afterwards.

    Please forgive me if I keep posting versions of this on multiple threads today.

  3. Walpurgis
    I think it’s been made clear that the law doesn’t apply where Democrats are involved. And since everyone is equal under the law, I would say that there are no laws anymore.

  4. Biden/Harris are going to address the nation tonight so I assume some news organization is going to finally officially call it today. Meanwhile dem officials in these swing states are out there making statements about how crazy Trump is to insinuate fraud. I hope that is what the Trump campaign is waiting for to start unpacking the voter fraud.

  5. Joe Biden reminds me of Achmed the dead terrorist…
    Somebody else does everything for him,
    He can do nothing by him self except occupies space and time,
    Joe doesn’t know where he is or what to say.

  6. It’s not up to some ‘news organization’ to ‘call’ the election.

    Trump is fighting these election crimes/acts treason (and yes it’s treason if Americans took Chinese money for it) and for now, I’m holding on to that.

    Remember his video: “Never give up.”

  7. …it would be insufficent for something unfortunate to happen to the pedophile and his whore alone, the mantle would then fall to the Pig. Seems like they’ve got it wrapped up pretty tight.

    I’m afraid there’s only one way to end it, and that’s by starting anew. I guess representative democracy isn’t a permanant form of government after all.

    244 years.

    We had a good run.

    May be time for something new.

    Just saying.

  8. Walpurgis NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 1:23 PM
    “It’s much worse than that. Free and fair elections are the foundation of our system of government. If they get away with cheating on the national level, they will gain absolute and permanent power within a few years. The law will be whatever they say it is at any given moment.”

    …I agree, but your tense is wrong.

    They HAVE gotten away with cheating on a national level, multiple times. That’s how 2012 happend, and how many, many Democrats hold national seats.

    They DO have absolute and permanant power. Even when Trump was President, they were absolute terors with slightly more than 1/2 of 1/2 of 1/3 of Government in their control, and kept the President from achieving real and lasting changes that could have prevented this.

    And the law IS what they say it is at any given time. How many laws have we seen applied to patriots and not brownshirts? How many frauds have the Democrats perpetrated, got caught at, and walked? How many child rapes? How many murders? How many elections have they brazenly taken and how many laws have they simply chosen to ignore when and where it suited them? And how many Democrats have paid for that?

    The number would be zero.

    You don’t have to wait for January 20th for tyranny, it’s been here the whole time. That’s why you’re wearing a mask right now and the government can close your business down any damn time they want for any damn reason they want, take your assets, and put you in jail so you can watch your business be looted and burned on the TV in the common area between cell block sexual assaults as your children are thrown from your home because you can’t pay the taxes on the property any more, certianly not while in jail.

    Maybe it will be given to a nice immigrant company for part of your and their share of reparations by the Harris administration.

    But only part. You will still owe forever.

    And that’s just where we START.

    They’ve been fighting this war the whole time.

    It just wasn’t obvious until now.

    At its end.

  9. Attacks on conservatives (physical and verbal) are coming up. they are full of hatred that will turn more violent than what we have seen so far. Current leftist thinking (from Daily Kos):

    “For those Americans who put us through this hell, nothing will be forgiven, or forgotten”.

    But this is a guy who intentionally turned his back on Americans in the face of a national emergency. A quarter million Americans are dead, and hundreds of thousands more are likely to die, because he prioritized his own reelection prospects over saving American lives. He lied about the danger of COVID-19, over and over, causing other people to lie as well. That’s not forgivable—it’s actually beyond any reasonable capacity to forgive, or forget.

    And yet 70 million or so Americans supported that, tried to rationalize it, and they went right back and voted for Trump. That’s what I can’t get past…[a]nd what he’s doing right now is unforgivable as well…[t]here has been no “fraud” or any cause for bringing 10 lawsuits to try to stop votes from being counted. It’s simply anti-American behavior. If it weren’t so dangerous, it would actually be embarrassing.

    And yet, people are supporting him in this.

    I guess I’m wondering—and I’ve wondered this a lot over the past four years—what the hell happened to these folks? Did they learn nothing in high school? Or college, if they went? Didn’t their parents give them some sense of what it means to be an American citizen?

    One thing I noticed about the campaign was the preponderance of the “in-your-face” element of Trumpism. From the flags draped on pickup trucks to the obnoxious, oversized signs in their yards, to the fact that half of the voters in my precinct showed up in some type of Trump garb, whether it was a stupid hat or a T-shirt, it made me realize that these people were making known their aggression toward me. Whereas Joe Biden voters certainly supported their candidate, it was evident that Trump supporters wielded their allegiance like a bludgeon. It was intended to offend, to threaten; not only to hurt others, but to negate their existence.

    It will be a relief to have a president who I can comfortably refer to as a “President.” Who actually works for the good of the American people, and who doesn’t spend all his time trying to divide us all with hatred. It will be a relief not to wake up each day to some new horror or angry, monstrous tweet from an unbalanced sociopath.

    But I won’t have any more illusions about my fellow citizens. I won’t forget this or forgive them for putting the rest of us through this nightmare. As Gay (Roxane Gay, writing for The New York Times),says, by now, I know exactly who they are.

  10. Stand your ground. The fight for our country is just starting. The President – and WE THE PEOPLE – will win this.

    That’s what I’m telling my friends and relatives.

  11. WGG: It goes back before that. In the 2000 presidential election the Dems only wanted to recount three counties in Florida. When they were told “All or nothing at all” they had no choice but to let that one go. They would have had to have paid for the recount if they lost which they would have (as recounts commissioned by the NYT and others proved).

    That brings us to the 2004 governors election in Washington State. Dino Rossi won the initial count. It was close, so they recounted. Rossi won the second count. The Dems decided to call for a second recount.

    Now why would the Dems be willing to possible pay for a recount in a governor’s race but not a presidential race? Because they assumed they could pick and choose what got recounted in Florida. They were not ready to deal with the entire state. Washington was their test run.

    In the second Washington recount, King County (Seattle) waited until all the other counties – 38 of them — had certified their totals. That carved them in stone. The King County started ding “boxes of uncounted ballots in broom closets” (really). They went to court to get those “ballots” allowed. King county ended up having more votes in the governors race than it had a record of people having voted. Christine Gregoire won the second recount and the Dems have owned the state ever since.

    The Dems have been honing their skills after that. Colorado was just one later chapter in the book.

  12. Thanks Jimmy for the optimism, I called my state repub party yesterday morning and made my views known about sasse and the alleged number of people who voted all repub down ticket and biden for pres (couple thousand). She assured me that they run a tight ship in Nebr and there is no election fraud. I don’t believe her. I like Jimmy options 1 and 2, other than that all of us here know the names of the coup plotters, now what are we going to do.

  13. Oh I dunno Crackerbaby, protest, set some shit on fire, block traffic, set up an autonomous zone,occupy shit, march.

    All the stuff our side is too pussy to attempt.

    Or we could just sit and complain. I’m good either way.


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