A Big Flip? What’s Really Driving The Newfound Interest In Kamala Harris’ Incompetence? – IOTW Report

A Big Flip? What’s Really Driving The Newfound Interest In Kamala Harris’ Incompetence?

Blue State Conservative-
James Howard Kunstler

Proposing a hypothetical: What if “Joe Biden” has worsening symptoms of an adverse reaction to his late September Covid booster shot? Does that account for the sudden flurry of interest in how his handlers might manage the problem of Kamala Harris? And what is the problem with Kamala Harris? That she is Vice-president and next-in-line for Commander-in-chief in the (adverse) event that “JB” has to step aside. And why is that a problem? Because she is widely loathed and distrusted among those who know her in Washington.

That’s what bubbled up last week as “Joe Biden” went into Walter Reed Hospital for a checkup, including an alleged colonoscopy. What if that was not the test he had? 

What if they ran him through a CT scan or an MRI to detect neurological damage or vascular irregularities in his brain? (In 1988, “JB” did have a couple of brain aneurysms and endured a four-and-a-half-hour microsurgical craniotomy.) Briefly during this exam, Veep Kamala Harris carried the nuclear football, gaining no yardage in the process, but curdling the spinal fluxes of many casual observers in our nation’s capital. Later, the president’s doctors issued a detailed report that portrayed an elderly gentleman “fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency….” more

22 Comments on A Big Flip? What’s Really Driving The Newfound Interest In Kamala Harris’ Incompetence?

  1. This is a totally made-up crisis. JB does not run the country, his handlers do, and they can just as easily control Harris and use her as the vehicle for their purposes. She is not dynamic, authentic, or compelling as a leader. She will do exactly what she is told.

    I do find it interesting (humiliating more like it) that the GOP spins its wheels on stories like this and how the other side is really worried about the upcoming elections, desperately grasping at any pyrrhic victory coming down the pike. All the while the dems are busy taking care of business and actually getting things done. Granted their business is at the expense of the country and is a kick in the nuts to those that value sovereignty, liberty, and economic freedom, but they are in power and we are on the outside looking in.

  2. Who cares?
    Is he dead, yet?

    We’ve abandoned the Republic to Usurpers, Thieves, and Traitors – what difference the maggot at the podium?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Remember: Biden wasn’t ‘elected’. He was installed, after a coup.

    He’s a figurehead. Harris was put in place to be another figurehead, but the only thing she can do half competently is give head to old men.

    They’re going to try and shoe-horn in our nightmare: Michelle Obama.

  4. Personally, I think they know he is days away from permanently wearing rubber underwear and a concussion helmet. They know Kamala is an empty dress suit so they plan on bringing in a ringer. Someone like Hillary Clinton. They don’t give a flip how bad the public will scream. They already cheated an election they may as well go full throttle into a brick wall.

  5. She was not even a contender in the democrat presidential primary.

    She has no depth, is very cringeworthy, and not at all likeable. She’s not a dynamic, engaging personality, nor is she a leader. She was only selected because the boxes could be checked for “Woman” and “Black.” Biden is nearly gone, physically.

    President Kamala Harris? Even the Dems don’t want that.

  6. Hambone, if you see a better scenario speak up. I cannot see a way out of this, our gov and beaurocracies are so mightily f’d up with commies and traitors that the only recourse is to burn it all to the ground and rebuild smaller and more efficiently. Back to the founding fathers vision of America.

    prove me wrong

  7. ^^^^^When 2024 comes along and the Communists lose big, what enforcement agency will force them out if they decide they are not leaving? FBI? LOL. CIA? LOLOL. DOJ? LOLOLOL. It would be up to us and the agency listed above will try and stop us. Prove ME wrong.

  8. Harris won’t be removed. Everyone that The United States government preferred for the Presidential throne, is despised more than Harris. By those for whom this, the current, “solution” is underway. Even by those that sit in the bleachers and cheer on the torture porn of this, the current, “solution”. To the point they are un-“electable” to the post. Even by the fake “election” “standards” of The United States government.

    Joe might even be re-“elected”. With overwhelming Bipartisan(TM) assistance (not all will want to call it “support”). But some time before the 2028 “election”, Joe will be “incapacitated”. Might be catastrophically obvious. Might be “voluntary” (after the “news” can no longer be faked). But Harris WILL be enthroned. No “election” required.

    And then a “conspiracy” of “white supremacists” (funded, organized, and led by The United States government) will martyr her. Just like all the Islamists (funded, organized, and led by The United States government). They must pay. Harderer. That is the reason for the new “Harris the most ‘hated’ Victim(TM)” of this, the current, most hated enemies of The State shtick. (Look how hard it was to sell rampaging pædo soldiers of the wrong color as “victims”.)

    One of the shes belov’ed by The United States government, but despised by most of the “residents”, “stake holders”, even “citizens” “of” (the word has multiple meanings) The United States, will be enthroned in her place. To Show Them We’re Not Afraid(TM). To teach them who’s in charge. To punish them. Harderer.

    Harris is there because she primes the “charges” (the word has multiple meanings) for her replacement. While she, herself, won’t be missed.

  9. @Hambone November 27, 2021 at 8:14 pm

    > We need to fight the good fight no matter how bad things look.

    Is that “look” as in success?

    Or “look” as in what the foreigners, lesbians, and pedotrannies that run The United States will call those that will not comply?

    Because THAT’S not who WE are!?!?!?

  10. @Zonga

    “This is what went down. They took Kamalalalala down to the basement of the White House and showed her the Zabruder film, then asked if she had any questions.”

    Kamalalalala had one. After staring open-mouthed at the Zapruder film, she asked: Are you gonna shoot him? In Dallas? While he’s in a motorcade with Jill? Well, OK, I guess (giggles).


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