A Big Red Wave – IOTW Report

A Big Red Wave


American Thinker: If you take the time to sit down to read the Nunes Memo, you start to realize that the claims being made on the political right aren’t just hyperbole. Nor are they a disingenuous attempt by the Trump administration to discredit the Mueller probe. It increasingly appears to be the biggest government scandal in U.S. history: the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI by the Obama administration to shield their presidential candidate and assail an opposing party’s presidential campaign and subsequent presidency. This is earth-shattering stuff. Yet, what are we hearing from the mainstream media (MSM)? Not just denial, but teeth-gnashing defiance. It leaves a reasonable person in a state of fear. What is happening? This is not our American system. Could they really be on the attack in the face of damning evidence and facts? And then I had a revelation.

This defiance by Dems and their MSM lapdogs may lead to a big red wave in the midterms. They are trying to defend the indefensible. That’s why your blood pressure shoots up when you hear them speak. More evidence will continue to come out and I predict that the Dems will continue with the same strategy — keep blaming Trump. Have the Dems gone mad, or is this a kamikaze mission? read more

13 Comments on A Big Red Wave

  1. When I see morons like Miss Lindsey booted out of office I’ll allow myself a glimmer of hope.
    BTW has anyone heard any news about them cleaning the voter rolls? That seemed to have died and went away and I think it’s vital.

  2. You hear all the time that this is a 50-50 country, but I don’t buy it. I believe there are 20% true conservatives, 30% conservatives, 30% moderates, and 20% hard left libs. The problem, are the moderates. For the most part these are people who have no working knowledge of government or how our country works. They go along with the loudest voices, which as we all know, will always be the democrats. When you add that group to the libs, and throw in at least 5% voter fraud in every election, the dems know they always have a chance.
    I also would like to think all of this noise is going to amount to something, but I’ve been around too long. I think a year from now there will still be investigations going on, there will still be Republicans on TV howling about what has happened, and in the end, it will be a minor footnote in history.
    My favorite quote from Shakespeare: “Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, in the end signifying nothing.”

  3. Only two problems I see: One, we still have too many RINOs in office and running for office. Two. More importantly, we have only six months to clean-up the election process to keep Dems from cheating their way into office.

  4. Most of the goofs that call themselves liberal have no idea why they want to be liberal. They only do it because someone they like on TV or movies claims to be liberal, so by extension, they too are liberal.

    I rarely run into actual working people who have a liberal streak running through them. Sure they might have a Hillary bumper sticker or similar, but it’s only because their union tells them to have it. Random discussion about things non-political, like their kids, typically reveals they’re truly conservative.

    On the other hand. Retirees, 20-somethings and housewives are typically the loudest and most vocal liberals I run into. The kids are simply stupid, but the old folks and housepets are simply bored, they watch the 24/7 news cycle to their detriment. Having recently moved to a rural area to escape the media infused goofs, I was startled to find a new kind of rabid liberal. The rural liberal holds their degree above everyone else, their superiority beams as they look down on the little peons and their simple lives. They do this in urban areas as well, but there are too many variables with the individuals that surround them. In other words, it’s not as easy for a city liberal to look down on their peers as it is for a rural liberal. It’s as if the only reason they moved to a rural location was to boost their ego. Liberals moved out here because they were convinced they could change everyone else, not because they like the peace and solitude of small town living.

  5. If the Dems are riding so high into the midterms, why is disgraced former AG Eric Holder desperately traveling around the country denouncing the gerrymandered redistricting which they were so intrumental in bringing about? Is it because it is very hard to commit effective vote fraud in safe GOP districts, and the Dems have no hope of becoming a majority again without stealing some of those districts?

    And where is our disgraced former Preezy Obama? Shouldn’t he be out there with his sleeves rolled up his scrawny arms, backing the Dem Senate and House candidates who supposedly are the Blue Wave on the horizon? A great, crashing Blue Wave sounds pretty epic, but the reality in November may be a slowly rising Red Tide which catches the MSM and Dems asleep on the beach.

  6. Just as in the election for president, we are told by the media giants what is going to happen.
    It didn’t happen then, and, God help us, it won’t happen in the mid-terms.

    I continue to believe that God is an interventionist when enough God-fearing people pray for his help. I did last fall. I still do today. I will continue to into the future. This country was an experiment started by God-fearing men to bring freedom and peace to the people. It is still the world’s best hope and best friend. This is why evil keeps trying to bring it down.

    Pray, I implore you all, pray.

  7. “I continue to believe that God is an interventionist when enough God-fearing people pray for his help. I did last fall. I still do today. I will continue to into the future.” – Graceia

    Amen and me also.

  8. @organgrinder February 8, 2018 at 9:13 am

    > When I see morons like Miss Lindsey booted out of office I’ll allow myself a glimmer of hope.

    When I see the crate booted out from under Miss Lindsey (so I’m not paying himself, his family, and his private soldiers, anymore) I’ll allow myself a glimmer of hope. But just a glimmer. The people that kept saying “Yes sir! May I have another?” will still be milling about. Looking for something to get into.

  9. What about all the statistics that show incoming administrations tend to lose the House in the first midterms? Response — those statistics don’t encompass the largest governmental corruption scandal in history and a party that refuses to acknowledge or take any responsibility for it.

    Somebody needs to start saying no to every cup of Kool-Aid Rush Limbaugh passes them. How about…?

    Illinois. The Democrats in Columbia sent the Democratic Governor in Springfield to prison for “corruption above and beyond the call of duty.” (I’m sure trying to cut the Don and his consigliere out of the deal had nothing to do with it. Right Hillary?) And the voter backlash was? (I suppose you could say naming a “Republican” “associate” of the Don’s capo, the “new” ship’s captain, after the bow is already pointing to Polaris, is a change. You could say that. I’ll respond presently…)

    Believing people who vote FOR corruption, as long as they’re told it’s “their” corruption, will suddenly vote against corruption because it’s “Bigger. Bolder! More Corrupty Than Evah Before!!”, is foolish. Believing they’ll vote against it because it’s not your, personal, favorite flavor of corruption is downright stupid.

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