A biomedical statistician gives his very different (and unpopular in the media) take on why social distancing may not have helped. – IOTW Report

A biomedical statistician gives his very different (and unpopular in the media) take on why social distancing may not have helped.

Listen to him being interviewed by John Solomon, right here.

10 Comments on A biomedical statistician gives his very different (and unpopular in the media) take on why social distancing may not have helped.

  1. Trump changed course because

    (a) he was convinced to believe the doomsday compu-models of the “experts” (but tell the truth — who of us wouldn’t be in his place?) and

    (b) he knew if he didn’t he would be drowned out and utterly destroyed by every possible outlet of the media, who even now are desperately lying to inflate minimal numbers to torpedo him before November…just imagine if we’d gone the “let it run” herd immunity route.

    Not saying I agree with what he did but I undestand why he did it…but I also think he now knows he’s been played by “experts.” He’s wise to them.

  2. The media would have blamed him, ALONE, for every single death had he gone the way his gut told him to. Yeah, that’s a given, they would have done that no matter what…but so would MILLIONS of bamboozled Americans spooked by 24/7 hyped horror stories from the media. They’d be told it’s Trump’s fault and they’d believe it once they start seeing people ventilated and after a funeral or two. Wouldn’t matter how many DIDN’T get sick or didn’t die. The sole focus would be on the relative few who did.

    Had he gone with his gut, correct though it would have technically been, there’s a damn good chance we’d have a senile pervert in the White House come January.

  3. I’m wondering if Chuck Schumer knew this was coming and this is the whirlwind he was speaking of?
    Burn it down, the donkey’s only option as they see it. Never let a crisis go to waste they said.

  4. It doesn’t matter to democrats if we have them on tape laughing about selling baby body parts. They don’t give in.

    But we’re supposed to give in because some scientist has a model? What will they think?


    The reason the republican party is a group of losers is because that’s they way the party thinks.

  5. A schoolyard bully indulges himself as long as he thinks no other kid will even try to break his nose.

    The Left’s brazen, ever-increasing contempt for us is built one just one thing: they believe we’re no longer willing or capable of doing the only thing that will permanently remove them from political power.

    And I admit, I wonder too. We play by rules, they play for keeps.

  6. Social distancing is getting all the credit for the decline in WuHan Coronavirus cases….

    Anyone want to take a guess as to what season ends in April of every year……?

    October to April is flu season…..every year……that might have helped…..reckon….?

  7. I think Trump had little choice but to take the course of action he did, but now it is time to get back to work. Trump has handled this as well as anybody, better actually. I pray for his stamina and God’s guidance. He is an amazing person to handle all that comes at him daily….hourly.


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