A Bootless Joe Biden Hobbles Away, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions – IOTW Report

A Bootless Joe Biden Hobbles Away, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions

Gateway Pundit:

78-year-old Joe Biden sure does heal quickly.

A bootless Joe Biden was spotted Monday evening as he arrived to the Queen Theater in Wilmington, Delaware.

A gaggle of reporters shouted questions at Biden and he pretended he couldn’t hear them.

Biden hobbled off as reporters shouted questions.

Joe Biden was actually able to exit the vehicle and step up the curb without a boot on his foot just one week after he supposedly fractured his foot and was ordered to wear a boot. more

24 Comments on A Bootless Joe Biden Hobbles Away, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions

  1. @Anonymous — Do you really think the Left is going to get that far? Do you think 80 million Americans are going to stand by and watch their lawfully elected president be put in chains by Communists? LOL!

  2. Abigail,

    We’ll find out.

    I do think it’s a real possibility, the Left is already planning on it.

    FWIW, what I think about things doesn’t amount to much in the larger scale of things. The world goes on without me whether I approve of it or not.

  3. The reportos are just laughing at him. They know he’s a sick prank, a placeholder for queen Kamala. None of them give a shit about his boot. They’re just waiting to lick the Queen’ Timbs. At least they’ll be able to pull down their masks when they do rhat. They sound like neutered idiots with those muzzles.

  4. This may have been another fraudster stunt from the left to invoke sympathy from the American people for Beijing Biden. These reprobates are really sick in the head.

    Elderly people do not heal that quickly from fractures.

  5. “Elderly people do not heal that quickly from fractures.”

    I’m elderly and I did.

    It all depends on the nature of the fracture and how severe it is.

    The whole “boot” thing could have been an unnecessary exaggeration of the condition for reasons that weren’t strictly medical.

  6. Captain Obvious,

    Just like Teddy Kennedy’s neck brace after Chappaquiddick. Sniffie probably walked off by himself someplace and either peed himself or flashed some 8 year old.

    Doubtless, he now has a transponder.

  7. Dang! I wuz kinda looking forward to guessing which foot the boot would be on when he showed up in public… kinda like Marty Feldman’s hump: will it be on the left side or the right?
    I know, I know… what hump?

  8. Maybe he was just practicing for when they give him the boot for real in February. Xanax Nancy wasn’t talking about Trump when she was floating the 25th amendment back in Sept. She had her eye on the future.

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