A border patrol union is warning that Clinton’s plan to expand on Obama’s executive orders on immigration would allow “Islamic extremists” to invade the US. – IOTW Report

A border patrol union is warning that Clinton’s plan to expand on Obama’s executive orders on immigration would allow “Islamic extremists” to invade the US.

Menrec: The border situation is out of control and it’s only going to get worse under a Hillary Clinton administration. This, according to a national union of border patrol agents.

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) is warning that Clinton’s plan to expand on President Obama’s executive orders on immigration – orders the courts have determined to be unconstitutional – would allow “cartels and Islamic extremists” to invade the United States.

“Her immigration plan is … dangerous for all American families,” the NBPC wrote.

Clinton’s plans would allow terrorists to “further their plans to harm innocent American citizens,” they continued.


14 Comments on A border patrol union is warning that Clinton’s plan to expand on Obama’s executive orders on immigration would allow “Islamic extremists” to invade the US.

  1. I have managed to remain cordial to co-workers and acquaintances who voted for Obama. But, so help me, when Americans are slaughtered by Killary’s Islamo-Nazis I will not attempt to conceal my hatred for her those who might put this monster in power.

  2. I am not a single-issue voter by any means, but it has gotten to the point where I would support Trump even if I did not agree with one single other of his proposed policies.

    I truly wish that every single person here could observe me during a typical workday in New York City Family Court. The immigration situation has become utterly dire, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.

  3. Four more years and they’ll have us either disarmed or in the midst of a bloody civil war. Unless Trump can overcome the voter corruption with a massive amount of extra votes. Have to cancel out millions of illegal voters AND all the usual corruption.

  4. obama has not stood with Police, Border Patrol or the Military.
    He has vilified them, implemented policies and rules that put all three in deadly situations without the ability or support for them to do their sworn duty. hillary has stated she will follow and further obama’s edicts. Neither are deserving of representing Americans or the office of president. Let the real truth be recorded in the History Annals and never be rewritten to placate the progressives. Both reflect the disease infecting the US.

  5. In 2006, there were 42,600+ apprehensions of illegal aliens who had entered into the United States through 47 linear miles of border from Mexico. Then President Bush directed National Guard deployments to the border via Title 10 shortly afterward. In 2012, apprehensions along the same stretch of border (which had grown to approx. 98 miles due to agency “lift and shift”) dropped to 1,500. Anyone who says that addressing the illegal immigration situation must be through legalization due to volume is most probably ignorant to the agency’s ability…or a liar. The Border Patrol union has its own agenda most times. However, in this instance, it is correct. Strong leadership and application of current immigration laws will enable the BP to address the situation in favor of America’s safety and strength.

  6. @old_oaks:

    Love your idea–but I’m sure my supervisors would not.

    We all have to behave at work now. Last Monday they actually fired a guy with twelve years on the job. All the lofo-mofos are crapping their pants, because “it’s IMPOSSIBLE to fire a civil servant.” I believe this signals a huge sea change–and I’m wondering who’ll be next. (We have so many erstwhile candidates.) Just don’t want it to be me LOL.

  7. Let’s be realistic…

    Islamic Extremists are already here and the Islamic “Moderates” will next be recruited to extremism in Mosques all across America.

    All the current and future Islamic immigrants are simply “backup and support” for the enemies within the gates.

    Doubt me? Time will tell. 🙁

  8. For the past 13 years I have sat on a county task force that receives over $1m a year in funding to eliminate violent crime, most notably firearms assaults and murder. Under the Bush administration we had the Border Patrol reps at our meetings and coordinated our enforcement efforts with them to scoop up illegals (mostly Hispanics). BP agents were right alongside local cops when we hit the gangs.

    Since Obama was elected we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the Border Patrol.

  9. Want a safe southern border? Get the government to supply me with an unlimited amount of ammunition, night vision scope, a humvee, some MREs, and I’ll make sure there are no illegal crossings. I’ll supply my own weapon.

  10. Sig 94: Operation Stone Garden funding perhaps? If Trump gets the bid, you will see BP and PD/SO relations back on track, but it will take a cuple years. If you are interior (100 miles in from border), you are stuck with ICE/HSI. Vote well.

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