A Cabinency of Dunces – IOTW Report

A Cabinency of Dunces

American Greatness:
Victor Davis Hanson-

As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country’s mess is his success

A second national discussion revolves around who actually is overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Joe Biden’s frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges. 

But one area of agreement is the sheer craziness of Biden’s cabinet appointments, who have translated his incoherent ideology into catastrophic governance. 

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has essentially nullified federal immigration law. Over 2 million foreign nationals have illegally crossed the southern border without audit—and without COVID vaccinations and tests during a pandemic. 

Mayorkas either cannot or will not follow federal law. 

But he did create a new Disinformation Governance Board. To head his new Orwellian Ministry of Truth, he appointed Nina Jankowicz—an arch disinformationist who helped peddle the Russian collusion, Steele dossier, and Alfa Bank hoaxes. 

While Jankowicz’s adolescent videos and past tweets finally forced her resignation, Mayorkas promises that his board will carry on.

In the days before the recent Virginia election, grassroots parent groups challenged critical race theory taught in the schools.  more

13 Comments on A Cabinency of Dunces

  1. Dunces, my ass.

    If it was China doing this damage, would anyone call them dunces?
    Had Nazi Germany done as much harm to us during WWII, would anyone call them dunces?

    For pity’s sake, Mr. Hanson, Wake the Fuck Up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It sure doesn’t take a credentialed pundit to convince me that the entire government needs an overhaul. Problem is, we have all sorts of new laws and directives preventing just that.

  3. “Debate rages whether Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country’s mess is his success.” It’s nothing to do with Biden; he’s just an empty shell paraded in front of the cameras – mind you, who it is who thinks that’s a good idea has to be mad. No, the limp wrist behind the curtain is that corrupt, communist, racist, black and white minstrel, Obama.

  4. @Earl — Yes. Joey’s role in this hyperdestructive rampage could just as easily be filled by a Nerf ball with a white wig.

    As for Barky, isn’t it remarkable that he is simultaneously a white man in black-face and a black man in white-face, yet is clearly as red as Vlad Lenin.

  5. The people chosen to fill the Biden* cabinet and advisor positions are doing exactly what they were hired to do, in exactly the manner they were expected to perform, with exactly the results intended. Whoever is running the Biden* administration has a plan, and it’s working out exactly as intended. One or two would be incompetence. This many? It can only be intentional.

  6. We are being mistakenly polite referring to Biden as responsible for this situation. He never had the ass end to run a lemon aid stand let alone a modest size fast food franchise location. Barky Zedbama and the bath house gang are running this shit show. Shitpants and Sniggers are a distraction, a foil, a convenient McGuffin to hold our attention. And it’s working.

  7. I told y’all two weeks ago to head for the hills if Jamie Gorelick popped up again WRT the Disinfirmation Givernace Board. I was only joking then. But sure enough…

    “The department announced Wednesday former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former U.S. Deputy Secretary General Jamie Gorelick under Clinton “will lead a thorough review and assessment” of the board that was “grossly and intentionally mischaracterized.”


    It just gets worse by the day. I didn’t expect to see Mueller ever again, but now I expect he’ll be back somewhere by Tuesday. Ditto for Rod Rosenstein.

  8. When I saw this headline a few days ago, I passed on reading it because of VDH’s choice of the word(?) “cabenency”. Cabenency? Besides sounding completely poncy — as in Think Tank nomen-klah-TURE; yes, a designer word — it seemed as though VDH was purposely trying to track the success of his own writing by inserting a marker that is easily searched. Very strange.

    In these times I am rarely reading the Intellectual Class for their erudite take on the burning house.

  9. As a manager, I never tolerated incompetency, I always hired people as smart as or preferably smarter than me.

    The Biden administration thrives on incompetency.
    His criteria for appointments are Sexual perverts, Color of one’s skin, a democrat political hack, immigrant or those with an approved pronoun.
    Not one of Biden’s appointments have the acumen of a house plant left un-watered.
    Oh yes, you can thank Mitch “the appeaser” McCONnell for approving those incompetent Agency heads.

  10. Ignatius J Reilly rules, A confederacy of dunces was one of the funniest (and dirtiest) books that my book club ever read. In fact, we read it twice, so we could laugh at it again and see if we missed anything from the first time we read it.

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