A Call for Courage Among U.S. Military Leaders – IOTW Report

A Call for Courage Among U.S. Military Leaders

An Appeal to Those Who Went Along

Brad Miller/ Brad’s Substack:
Our country appears, in all visible ways, to be teetering on the brink of ruin. Some would say it’s already there. Whether it’s the orchestrated invasion currently occurring at the border, or the economic struggles, or other problems, it is clear to any impartial observer that our country is in chaos. One of the reasons the chaos is so prevalent is that many of our government “leaders” are actively destroying our institutions or all mechanisms of defense against the destruction.

Rather than actively defending the republic, the military is complicit in this destruction.

Recognizing the magnitude of the problem we face, we need true leaders in this country to stand up in its defense. The first step in standing up in our country’s defense is to refuse to go along with the planned destruction.

I intend for this piece to come across as equal parts “sharp rebuke” and “willingness to embrace.”

This is, therefore, an appeal to all currently serving leaders within the military, with a specific focus on those who up to this point have lacked either the awareness or the integrity to oppose the intentional degradation of our fighting forces.

If there is any shred of honor, dignity, or true patriotism left within the United States Armed Forces, we are looking to appeal to those sentiments in order to encourage currently serving leaders of all ranks to resist the ongoing destruction of the military. After all, this destruction deliberately extends to the country as a whole.

Resistance is going to require moral courage, a virtue that has been in exceedingly short supply within our military in recent years. MORE

22 Comments on A Call for Courage Among U.S. Military Leaders

  1. Exactly.

    It will take military, or ex-military leadership to lead us out of this morass of evil. The military has access to the kinds of weapons needed, plus the know-how to use them, like tanks and artillery. Groups of citizens, however patriotic, can’t do it armed with AR-15s and pistols.

    If we try to save America without military leadership and modern weapons, we’ll just get slaughtered by the corrupt part of the military and police forces that eagerly serve Biden and the globalists.

    Our enemies are serious and will kill millions of us, if they see it as necessary to reach their goals. That’s the reality as I see it.

  2. “Americans should not view the Armed Forces as an enemy. Let’s give the American people a reason to trust the military again.”

    It’s past time for the military leadership to show some patriotism!

  3. I’m curious as to why China hasn’t surrounded Taiwan with a row of battleships.
    Now is the time if ever.
    The USA is “run” by an old rat-bastard that won’t even acknowledge his own granddaughter.
    What the fuck are we going to do?
    We are a paper tiger worried about equity & diversity.
    After all, White men are evil, amirite?

    What the fuck is holding the world together at this point?

  4. Loco, I’m thinking China is just waiting for us to exhaust our military capabilities. Once they have decided we’re spent they will make a serious move. I’m thinking Australia will be in jeopardy, they have everything China needs.

  5. @joe6 ~ agree w/ you about Australia. used to banter w/ a bunch of Aussies & Kiwis when they ragged on about the ‘oppressive’ USA should collapse … just told them that ‘hope you don’t get what you wish for’ because it will mean that Australia & NZ will then be a part of China’s Greater Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere

    … & the way they’re going … I think they’ll somehow embrase the oppression

    crazy, ain’t it?

  6. btw, today’s military is beyond saving … the ‘revolution’ must come from the lower ranks, not the top … the top is thoroughly corrupt, as is all government now.

    I don’t see a way out of the coming oppression

  7. We no longer have leaders in the US military. They were all purged. All that are left are professional perverts and perennial yes “men”…and I use the word men figuratively as none of them have the testosterone or guts to actually qualify as men.

  8. The uniparty has spent decades gutting the military of anyone with any real courage and integrity, and just as much time filling the vacancies with mindless sheep willing to go along as long as they get something out of it. The few men and women of honor left in the military are still there probably only because they haven’t become a big enough thorn in the sides of their superiors.

  9. Whatever, nerdlinger.

    I’ll recruit my own battalion of battling bastards for Burr and I can guarantee you there will be no geneva convention rules.

    Military “leaders”….pfft. THEY’RE INM ON IT.

  10. “An Appeal to Those Who Went Along”

    The Appeal has fallen on deaf ears.
    The Military and civilian Leaders at DOD are fully invested in pacifying the US Military and the immoral/destructive policies of this Marxist administration.
    Nothing will change until forced retirements or resignation of the top tier of the “go along get along” Officers who willingly enforced the policies of the whitehouse, CDC and the DOD to the detriment to US National Security.
    Will it happen? Doubtful, the Coup continues.

  11. All of you members of the 82nd and 101st Airborne currently camped out in Poland and Romania, and all of you airmen participating in NATO’s Air Defender “exercise” in June, had better hope that your leaders understand your situation and capabilities better than the civilians who are moving you like chess pieces.

    Woke Affirmative Action is debilitating, infuriating and unfair to civilians, but it is absolutely deadly to you.

  12. In today’s military it is the Chain of Command who will be responsible for most deaths because the Chain of Command forced the troops to take the death jab. Ever notice how many top athletes suddenly die under physical stress? Guess what’s going to happen during war.

  13. That is a powerful article, but at the end of his call to action, the author tells us he, himself, actually resigned from the military instead of staying in and fighting. What risk did HE take?

  14. Asking too much of the military members.

    Look how the public backed the ones who said no to the jab! The ones who said no were pillorized until they were DISHONORABLY discharged.

    Fun getting almost anything with that hanging over your head.

    The civilians have no backbones. They allow the J6 political prisoners to suffer under tyranny.

    It’s coming for all of us where we hunker in fear.

    This is what the military is supposed to stand against? We don’t, why should they?

  15. 2Th 3:1  Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: 
    2Th 3:2  And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 
    2Th 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 
    2Th 3:4  And we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that ye both do and will do the things which we command you. 
    2Th 3:5  And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. 

  16. The Armed Forces are too busy prancing around in their tutus and “tuck” underwear to worry about America … additionally, as Mm wrote, there’s absolutely NO UPSIDE to showing courage or fortitude in the face of evil.

    America can no longer discern fact from fiction, truth from lie, good from evil, sheer laziness from apathy, moral from immoral (or amoral), and talking shit from taking action.

    I think it was one of Mr. Hat’s comics that depicted Babs Streisand and her husband saying “Someone needs to check the mail …” (or something to that effect) with neither of them making a move to check it – sort of the state of the Union – everyone knows what must be done, but no one wants to hang for doing it (me included).
    We are too affluent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  17. I have mentioned many times an excellent analysis of how our flag officers were given flags based in part on their hatred of conservatives in general and Ronny in particular. This did not happen recently!

    The AT article – 5 or 6 years ago – named the “Americans are bad” lefties promoting lefty Captns and Cols to Adm and GEn. BOTH LEFTISTS PRESIDENTS WERE NAMED GEORGE!

    AGAIN FOR EMPHASIS The America hating presidents giving flags, in part, on a hatred for conservatives; were named George. Both these leftists had a “R” after their name!

    I have been a lover of America for over 75 years. I voted for an America hater George ONLY ONCE 1988!~

    If “Covid” were a significant part of leftist Flag officer “leadership” the country would be in good shape.

    GWB’s boy Milley IMHO committed treason 7 years ago when he secretly told Red China he’d give them a “heads up” on any threatening orders from MAGA President Don!

    The ongoing support of Hunter’s long time partner is another far more significant problem than covid!

    3rd time. Problem started in 1989. Was exacerbated 2001 to 2009!
    Like the FBI i doubt there are any “patriotic” flag officers “serving”!

  18. Be they military or law enforcement, government employees will never risk their income, promotions, retirement and benefits for the sake of constitutional principles.

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