A Call to Action – IOTW Report

A Call to Action

American Thinker:

By Sally Zelikovsky|

Probably the most truthful thing Nancy Pelosi has ever uttered is “We [Democrats] don’t agonize.  We organize.”  For decades, Democrats have been strategically honing extensive networks that coordinate action and funding between government agencies, elected officials, NGOs, corporations, schools, houses of worship, cultural institutions, unions, industries, and now the military.  They are the industrious ant colonies of politics.

Republicans, on the other hand, do not organize.  We agonize.  We are more comfortable wringing our hands, quoting the Founding Fathers, listening to talk radio, and going on cruises than organizing and taking meaningful action.  We are the Woody Allens of politics.

No doubt there are Republicans and conservatives who indefatigably dedicate endless hours to politics.  But for those who’ve tried to herd conservative cats and nudge them to action, the “assiduous conservative activist” appears to be an outlier.

I honestly don’t know why, so I fall back on It’s just not in our DNA.  Maybe we so value our privacy that we prefer going it alone? Maybe our rugged individualism makes us hopelessly self-sufficient? Maybe Don’t Tread on Me implicitly promises And I Won’t Tread on You?

Whatever the reason, the country is under a coordinated attack from within and if we don’t organize and take action, America will wither on the vine. more here

13 Comments on A Call to Action

  1. Rally around Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greens, and the like, and do all you can do to destroy the McMonnells. As for Frank Luntz’s pupppet Kevin McCarthy: do all you can to keep him from becoming Boehner II.

  2. It boils down to the fact that you can’t use the devil’s tools in his despite.

    The greatest strength of the Democrats is that they do not try to please God, so they are free to use the foulest tools in satan’s toolbox to bend men to their will, tools the devil has tested time and again and proven on men because men are weak due to their sin nature.

    Democrats use hatred to GREAT effect. It’s very easy to make one man hate another.

    A conservative COULD use hate, but it is not pleasing to God, and does not serve the purpose of trying to build a BETTER world. A conservative that motivates with hate becomes the very thing he opposes.

    Same with lies. A Democrat can lie facilely about anything and everything. Democrats can be observed lying about things they don’t even NEED to lie about, its just second nsture to them. They lie so frequently they get lost in the lie to the point they may not even KNOW they are lying (cf. “A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth”).

    A conservative COULD lie, but again this is not pleasing to God, and again there’s no payoff because you become that you profess to hate. Also they are not NEARLY as practiced at it so it wont be smooth, plus the media will NOT help them as they do Democrats.

    Fear is a biggie. A Democrat will burn a city down, kill everyone in a nursing home, shut down a nation and poison their own citizens just to create fear that they can use to arrogate power to themselves.

    I don’t know too many conservatives that will delberately destroy their own nation and murder grandparents in job lots just to get their political way. It is certainly not pleasing to God, and again you’ve become that which you are supposed to oppose.

    …at the end of the day, its always easier to destroy than to create, to tear down instead of build up, to kill instead of rescue, and then lie about it swifty and forcefully so it looks like your OPPONENT did it.

    Conservatives do not have the ability to do that without despising God themselves and becoming evil themselves.

    And that doesn’t even get into sex and perversion, the appeal to man’s basest nature, the tool the devil has used since the Garden that takes down ALL men. Even David, the apple of God’s eye, turned his back on his duty, broke his covenant with God, murdered a man who was fiercely loyal to him for no other reason than he saw the guy’s wife’s ass in the moonlight once. It wasnt like he didn’t have women of his OWN, but the devil waves a tempting haunch at him and the best Mankind has to offer is off to break ALL the Commandments because a stiff dick has no conscious.

    Seems like there’s not much in the conservative oeuvre that can compete with THAT.

    Certainly not without displeasing God and becoing that you profess to reject.

    Telling people to behave makes you no friends.

    FORCING people to behave to your benefit makes you a Democrat.

    …It’s a real problem, and unless Jesus comes back, not one that’s going to get fixed, its just the way man is and ever shall be…we can fight our own battles and win some space for more to come to the Lord, but this world IS doomed to be ruled completely by evil for a time or God’s a liar, and God’s no liar.

    Revelation (Apocalypse) is usually cited here, but Thessalonians says the same thing…

    “3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
    2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

    …the Lord wins in the end, but its a VERY bad time getting there.

    WE are NOT going to save this world.

    Only Jesus can do that.

    All we can do is try to bring more to Him before the hammer falls.

    ..I know this isn’t what this author is looking for.

    Doesn’t change God’s truth.

    Hate me if you want.

    But take it up with the Lord if you do, I didn’t write those words, its HIS book, not mine, so fight for His kingdom and NOT ours because ours is ALREADY forfeit.


    Just the way it is.

    No worries though.

    Jesus DOES come back in the end…

  3. When the Left Organizes Politically:

    – No one comes en masse to shout them down with stupid slogans.

    – Anti-Fa doesn’t attack them.

    – They can break the law with impunity.

    – They can block traffic and start riots and few, if any are held accountable.

    – They can openly flout election and immigration laws with impunity.

    – The news media lionizes their bullshit cause and ignores their criminal behavior.

    When Conservatives Organize Politically:

    – The trash humanity shows up in throngs to scream, holler, and physically assault conservative attendees. And the cops will let them do it.

    – The local government will misapply any law they can to shut the meeting down.

    – The FBI and left wing NGOs will send provocateurs into the crowd in full redneck garb straight out of central casting to either whip the crowd up into obnoxiousness or violence or to engage in fake violence with cops trained in fake fighting to provide footage for the news media (ala 1/6).

    – The News media will smear the gathering as “far right wing extremist” and “terrorism”. They will make up lies to smear the attendees with and ruin some careers and lives to serve as an example to others.

    So, not only do conservatives have to face all the other challenges of political organizing, they have the additional challenge of having virtually the entire political and power establishment lined up against them telling lies to a public that is 50% gullible morons who believe any crap they’re told.

  4. There’s a whole shit load of us out here that just wanted to be left alone. Trying to further define our enemy is a waste of time. We know exactly who they are. This country is like a California Forest. Ready to explode. And I’m not sure where the spark that will lite things off is coming from, but it’s coming.

  5. They have one chief shithead – Sugardaddy Soros – who waves the bucks, and the little shitheads come a-runnin’.

    KILL the snake, by cutting off its HEAD. 😡

  6. You don’t need hate to kill.
    I kill mouses and I don’t hate them.
    I kill vermin and I don’t hate them.
    Even killed a snake or two and don’t hate them (like them, in fact).
    Eat eggs but don’t hate them.
    Eat chickens and don’t hate them.
    Eat pork and don’t hate pigs.
    Same for beef.
    Killed a fox once and didn’t hate it.

    Some things need killin. That’s just the way it is. No hate involved.
    Ever use Lysol? Don’t need hate to clean a surface of germs.

    Self-preservation doesn’t require hate.

    And I don’t believe for a moment that God wants us to just sit with our thumbs up our asses while paraded to the ovens (mixed metaphor, but you get the gist).

    I have been wrong before.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim
    AUGUST 22, 2021 AT 3:37 PM

    “And I don’t believe for a moment that God wants us to just sit with our thumbs up our asses while paraded to the ovens (mixed metaphor, but you get the gist).”

    You are correct.

    And while I say there is no hope in mem for this world, no, I do not say that means we shouldn’t fight on without it.

    For one thing, this:

    “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.”
    Luke 19:13

    The Lord expects us to increase the souls that turn to Him for when He returns to take His Bride away. We are to continue to work for His kingdom, fighting on not to save the world, but to create time for more to turn to Him and to get His Word to more to get them to turn to Him.

    This cannot be accomplished by lying down and waiting for the Sonderkraftwagon to take us to the ovens.

    Also, really, EVERY humam endeavor carries with it its own futility. Being mortal, we will fail, and it doesn’t even have to be OUR failure. It’s just that we are not God.

    …one of the harshest lessons I had to learn as a callow lad, imbuied with that weird combination of belief that men could do anything if enough people tried hard enough and a lack of belief in God that is endemic to young men, was this:

    You can’t save everybody.

    …I was a green stripe proby on only my 3rd or 4th actual fire when I heard word a man was trapped in the burning building to which we were attending. We brought the Macy’s Parade, including part of a neigboring department, even had the medical helicopter bring us a flight surgeon and a nurse. We had pumpers and air trucks and rescue trucks and ambulances and even utility vehicles to disconnect the power, just masses of hardware overflowing the cul-de-sac, loaded with water and tons of equipment for everthing from breaking doors down to replumbing a trachea. Everything Man could have to deal with calamity was there, along with dozens of guys trained for that very purpose.

    And me, who was probably just gofering for the REAL firefighters at that point. They weren’t quite ready to trust me with life n’ death stuff just yet.

    Anyway, they found the guy and dragged him out. Everyone dogpiled on him to try to save him, at the otders of the flight surgeon who brought high level surgical skills right to the guy’s back yard.

    For nothing, it turned out. Doc called it.

    …I remember looking at our masses of metal, our tons of equipment, our cadres of caring and talented people, and having a real WTF moment about it.

    Never did an air ambulance feel like hubris before.

    What, we couldn’t save him?


    With all THIS shit, the pinnacle of man’s rescue abilities at the time, and we couldn’t reverse God’s judgement?

    Say it ain’t SO!

    But it was.

    Because you can’t save everybody.

    …but that NEVER stopped them from TRYING.

    you see a lot of that kind of thing there. People who just aren’t likely to make it. Too sick, too cancerous, down too long, called too late.

    But still you keep trying.

    Because you have to. Because a slim chance of a save is better than the zero chance if you do NOTHING.

    We have docs and nurses here who have felt the futility, but tried anyway.

    Because it might do some good.

    We have police and soldiers here who go into the worst places with the least thanks, taking terrible risks for leaders that are likely to stab them in the back, but they do it anyway.

    Because they may do some good.

    We have preist and ministers who may preach to a mostly empty church, to a sleepy congregation thinking about lunch, to bored kids with satanic T-shirts forced there by their parents.

    They persist.

    Because it might do some good.

    Every parent has times they think raising a child is futile, so common that Shakespeare mocks them, e.g. “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child!”

    But still they try.

    Because it might do some good.

    Even God gets tired of our puling, our vacillating, our being lukewarm to Him when things are good, to cursing Him when things are bad.

    But still He tries to reach us.

    Because it might do some good.

    Occupy till the Lord comes.

    No, we don’t surrender.

    We just have realistic expectations and goals.

    Expect this world to be taken over by evil.

    But work to hold the evil off as long as possible, not for THIS world, but for Heaven.

    This world is going down like the Titanic no matter what we do.

    …but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t man the few lifeboats that are there and tear some doors off the sinking hulk to try to save just a few more…

  8. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,
    Isaias was called by God to send a message, and a message he sent – to absolutely no avail – and was sawn in half for his trouble.
    Not God’s fault. Not Isaias’s fault. The King just wasn’t having any of it and so the Jews were carried into Babylon as slaves.

    We may be in a similar situation, but to my way of thinking, the KING should have been sawn in half! Why the Jews just sat around with their thumbs up their asses and marched into Babylon (with a great deal of death and suffering in the process) is a mystery.

    God gave us “will.” A choice, so to speak. Yes, our most important task (as Christians) is to bring souls to Jesus. But – BUT – we must survive long enough to complete that task. Peter was asked “Whither goest thou?” and he replied “gettin the fuck outta Dodge!” because of the persecutions. And Jesus said “Then I must return and be crucified again.” You know the rest.
    (not really quotes)

    I guess what I’m getting at is that we have to play our part, and not resign ourselves – regardless of the outcome. God is MASTER of all things – but I think he sometimes expects humans to take a stand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Probably the most truthful thing Nancy Pelosi has ever uttered is “We [Democrats] don’t agonize. We organize.”

    Disagree. Liberals are mired in agony, and don’t see a way out. So their weak and fearful personas complain, yell, and scream to get their agendas passed. With a lot of help from spineless and corrupt politicians.

  10. Remember one thing, the leftist organization is strong but the individual is weak .. or perhaps because the individual is weak. Thats because they’ve spent their lives doing nothing but networking. Ive seen it in some of my siblings

    Youre seeing how weak the individual leftist is. Dont back down another inch, they may collapse


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