A Canadian Clinton Foundation affiliate is very… Clintonesque – IOTW Report

A Canadian Clinton Foundation affiliate is very… Clintonesque

SmallDeadAnimals: A Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation that has raised millions from mining executives has spent far more on salaries and administrative costs than charitable programming in the two most recent years for which numbers are available, according to financial statements from the Canada Revenue Agency.

The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), a registered charity based in Vancouver, B.C., devoted $737,441 — amounting to 78 per cent of its expenditures — to management and administration in 2014. The amount includes spending on office supplies and expenses, salaries and professional and consulting fees. read more

2 Comments on A Canadian Clinton Foundation affiliate is very… Clintonesque

  1. Curious me decided to pop around the Candadian website and read about one of their projects – peanut farmers in Haiti. Still curious, I did an additional search only to discover that the US Dept. of Agriculture has dumped tons of nuts into Haiti with expected results – lousy.

    Summary: The Clinton Global Slush Fund & Sham, Inc. Sucks!

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