A cat’s reaction to horror movie – IOTW Report

A cat’s reaction to horror movie

Even though she couldn’t truly understand what was happening in the horror movie, the 9-month-old Bengal still felt the foreboding intensity that was occurring on the screen.

16 Comments on A cat’s reaction to horror movie

  1. That was great.

    Beware though! This proves they understand more than they let on.

    They are always planning to take over the world and that cuteness is their most potent weapon – it gets them in everywhere!

    I’ve got three under captured surveillance right now. They’re pretending they’re happy and taking a nap, but I know as soon as the lights are out they whip out the maps and make plans.

    Damn cats.

  2. That’s just too funny!

    Dadof4, I know what you mean. You think they are all cuddly and cute, but just you wait. As soon as you start to walk down the stair, they run under your feet just to trip you! “Egad, don’t step on the cat … yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh” *tumbles down the stairs head over heals…*

  3. My cats NEVER look at the TV and will often sit in front of the screen blocking my view. However, last week I realized I had only seen the original Jurassic Park on a rental video tape on a 21 inch old fashioned picture tube tv. So I streamed an HD Jurassic Park on the 50″ flat screen, surround sound, etc. The boy cat sat on the floor and watched the whole movie from the point the dinosaurs appeared. I was amazed.

  4. Claudia, I do not think it is mere co-incidence that the outdoor kitty – Ninja Kitty – did just that yesterday as I was stepping off my porch, down concrete stairs to a concrete patio. It’s like they’re taught in kittygarten how to kill anything – humans too.

    All she was “trying” to do was the usual leg-rub kitties use to get something from you. But I’m not standing somewhere, I’m walking down steps and she actually lunges for my legs to make sure she reaches me before I reach the steps. It’s attempted murder. If a person tried this every day, the police could be called for the aggravated assault & battery with intent to maim, cripple, kill (and probably eat, too). It would be understood if I defended myself from another human doing the same thing – a punch, a kick, something!

    But she’s so damn cute.

    Damn cats.

  5. Dadof4,

    I read not long ago that when cats are looking at you, they are only trying to figure out how to kill you.

    Since they haven’t figured it out yet, they will settle for a little food, shelter, and a scratch.

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