A Chinese spy worked under Democrat Dianne Feinstein for 20 years – IOTW Report

A Chinese spy worked under Democrat Dianne Feinstein for 20 years


New details emerged about the Chinese spy who managed to stay undetected under Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s nose for two decades.

While the California Democrat has been working to stall the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh, she has conveniently ignored the bombshell in her own camp.

A staffer for the Bay Area senator, who just won her re-election bid for a fifth term in Washington, turned out to have been recruited by Chinese intelligence and “reported back to China about local politics,” according to Politico. More details about the staffer, who was fired after being connected to Chinese spying in the Bay Area a few years ago, were revealed by the San Francisco Chronicle on Wednesday.

The Chinese spy was reportedly Feinstein’s driver, a gofer in her office and a liaison to the Asian-American community who even attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator.

When the FBI told her she’d be infiltrated about five years ago, the then-chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee was reportedly “mortified.”  MORE HERE

23 Comments on A Chinese spy worked under Democrat Dianne Feinstein for 20 years

  1. Research her and her husband’s net worth after 9/11. Martha Stewart was jailed for insider trading, and this “Elected Oath Taker” just got richer. If this was looked at back than, more than a decade would have shaved off.

  2. Are you kidding, Feinstein is probably on the Chinese payroll as well. Why are most of our elected officials the stupidest/most corrupt people on the planet?

    Where’s the Connor brothers when you need them?

  3. The Gang of Eight (Feinstein is a long standing member) are responsible for overseeing all executive office policy as it relates to intelligence gathering and corresponding activity.
    It is important to understand that everything the White House, CIA, NSA, and U.S State Department does is approved by these eight members.

    Yet, her staff doesn’t have security clearance and her 20 year driver, gofer, confidant was a Chinese operative.

    Main Stream Media — nothing to see here, move along.

  4. this is exactly why i drive myself and gofer my own shit. i dont need no spys for friends. i got all the friends i need with my make believe ones. there’s not enough room in my head for any more friends.

  5. @cato – Feinstein isn’t in the Gang of Eight any more. She bailed after releasing the Simpson/Fusion GPS stuff on her own, and was replaced by Warner.

    There are lots of good guesses about exactly why she dropped out, all of them juicy and bad.

  6. She used to be the gong of eight.
    Her senate career started with clinton, which is when a lot of our military technology was sold to china. She knew. And her chief aide is tied into fusion gps. She’s dirty.
    I wonder if her buddy printed out documents for her, like hillary had her maid do for her? And her husband gained his wealth by not so nice means:

  7. It’s apparent to anyone with a 90 IQ, the dems have an affinity for hiring foreign staffers over Americans. Who cares if Awan absconded with 40+ congress members national security secrets? They’re more concerned with protecting themselves and the dirt he has on them.


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