A close look at Democrat Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock – IOTW Report

A close look at Democrat Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock

Frontpage Mag: Born to two Pentecostal-Holiness ministers in Savannah, Georgia in 1969, Rev. Raphael Warnock served at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York from 1991 through 2001 – six years as a youth pastor and four years as an assistant pastor. He was then employed as senior pastor of the Douglas Memorial Community Church in Carroll County, Maryland, from early 2001 through mid-2005. And since 2005, he has been senior pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

In 2020, Warnock, a Democrat, decided to run for a U.S. Senate seat representing Georgia. His campaign raised more than $20 million, of which nearly 80% came from out-of-state donors. Neither Warnock nor the Republican incumbent, Kelly Loeffler, received more than 50% of the vote in the ten-candidate field, thereby setting the stage for a January 5, 2021 special runoff election between Warnock and Loeffler. The result of that runoff will help determine which party controls the Senate.

Following is a close examination of Warnock’s track record, worldview, and political agendas.

Warnock’s Church Honors Fidel Castro (1995)

While Warnock was a youth pastor at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in 1995, that church — on October 22 of that year — held a special event hosting and celebrating the longtime Communist dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro. The nearly 1,300 frenzied Castro supporters who were packed into the sanctuary that night gave the guest-of-honor a ten-minute standing ovation, chanting “Fidel! Fidel! Fidel!” Senior pastor Calvin Butts announced, “We have one of the great leaders of the world [Castro] with us today.” And according to a Miami Heraldreport about the event, Castro “blast[ed] the United States with … vigor” until the festivities ended “with a rousing rendition of the socialist hymn Internationale.” Among the high-profile figures in attendance was the lifelong Communist revolutionary Angela Davis, who smiled broadly at Castro and, according to a New York Times report, “gave him a fisted salute.” (For a video of Castro’s appearance, click here.)

Praising Jeremiah Wright (2008-14) MORE

9 Comments on A close look at Democrat Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock

  1. Insanity, tribalism and identity politics rule the day – all in this commie-living, America-hating, PINO (preacher in name only) man’s favor. I pray that good decent people of both parties step up and reject his brand of hatred and racism.

  2. @You know what I mean,
    NYC always dumped its garbage on everyone else. Picture their garbage scows sailing down the Atlantic.

    This “spiritual leader” landed first in MD and then blew down to GA.
    If they’ll have him, they deserve him. Except in the US Senate he’d be embraced by that despicable Black Caucus.

    Another UBER Rich Black Millionaire Reverend playing the Race card for fame, hate, political power and $$$$.

    He is openly aligned himself with the notorious Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s agenda by uttering the same Anti-USA and Anti-White threats and statements.

    Who also happens to have a documented arrest record and recently had charges of Physically assaulting his wife/Ex-Wife Oulèye Ndoye m. 2016–2019 from Senegal Africa. Details of the divorce are not available as court records indicate the case has been sealed.

    She has been removed (claimed self-quarantined)from public view the last 165+ days. Which is about the same period of time since he was charged with assaulting her with his car.

    His earlier arrest record also covers charges about obstructing a police investigation into suspected child abuse crimes at a church-run camp.

    Also he has repeatedly and openly express his love and appreciation of Socialist Leaders for over 20+ years.


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