A Dark Cloud of Realization Begins To Descend on Democrats – IOTW Report

A Dark Cloud of Realization Begins To Descend on Democrats

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is beside himself. He thinks Bernie will win Iowa, but cannot imagine any of the current Democrats winning in November. WATCH

25 Comments on A Dark Cloud of Realization Begins To Descend on Democrats

  1. HA HA!…..50 years in the making and you STILL don’t get it right….right Chrissy?….Why can’t you understand that President Trump and his politics is RIGHT for the country and NEEDED at this time in our history….FFS your hopeless Chrissy, and all your fellow travelers are too…..I think I’ll get a tingle up my leg now watching your humiliation and despair…..HA HA!…

  2. They have Bill Kristol on their side now so they should do lots better from here on out 🙂

    Kristol wrote in a Saturday tweet that had over 12,000 retweets and 50,000 likes at the time of this writing. “But for the time being one has to say: We are all Democrats now.”

    Just kidding. They’re gonna face plant right down into hillarys butt cheeks

  3. Chris – When that tingle up the leg changes into a tinkle down the leg. If you’re wearing dark pants, the wet streak will become darker, but no one will notice. And you’ll experience a nice warm feeling.

  4. I saw all I ever needed to when Bob Torricelli was just simply replaced by Frank Lautenberg in NJ many moons ago at the last minute, far after the process was closed, after he was indicted for corruption.

    And Dems just voted in lockstep for Whoever Whatshisface with a D next to his name in a landslide.


    Their primary process is rigged and undemocratic. It’s like having a drivers ed car where the instructor can take control of the car whenever they start heading over the cliff. Which they always want to do for some reason.


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