A Dozen GOP Senators, Led by Ted Cruz, To OBJECT to Electoral College Certification, Demand Emergency Audit – IOTW Report

A Dozen GOP Senators, Led by Ted Cruz, To OBJECT to Electoral College Certification, Demand Emergency Audit

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Cruz — along with Sens. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; James Lankford, R-Okla.; Steve Daines, R-Mont.; John Kennedy, R-La.; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Mike Braun, R-Ind.; as well as Sens.-elect Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo.; Roger Marshall, R-Kansas; Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., and Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala. — say that the election “featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud and illegal conduct.”

h/t Fur’s mom

24 Comments on A Dozen GOP Senators, Led by Ted Cruz, To OBJECT to Electoral College Certification, Demand Emergency Audit

  1. I am happy to see this. I am not confident that Uncle Mitch and the other Republicans will let it mean anything. I am crossing my fingers and toes, I am calling my senators, but I am afraid the Dems will steal the election of the next President and the Senate.

  2. Was just gonna post that myself. You’re on your game MJA!

    On an earlier thread, I trashed Marsha Blackburn for being a phony conservative. She’s in company here, but the jury is still out on her.

    There really aren’t any teeth in this statement, and appears to be good theater. We’ll see if it ignites a movement in Congress. I hope it does, I really do.

  3. stirrin the pot- Well this one’s different. They know as R’s they’ll never see a congressional, or a presidential seat ever again.

    I just learned every time a (recent times) Dem houser objected, no Dem senator on their side backed them. Interesting.

  4. The odds of this succeeding are extremely low.

    Not impossible, but low enough that it would be really surprising if it did.

    Don’t get your hopes up to the extent you make your future plans on it.

  5. MJA – “…They know as R’s they’ll never see a congressional, or a presidential seat ever again…”

    So you’re saying that it is a self-serving opportunistic ploy. I’d agree with that.

    Dems are unified like no repubs could ever be. To them, it’s party above principle, regardless, no questions asked.

    We, on the other hand just go along to get along…all the way to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. It’s disgusting.

  6. OFFS, Wyatt, the fraud was so blatant and obvious you’d have to be blind not to see it. But if you’re a lib, it only amounts to a few more lies you have to tell yourself in order to support your irrational beliefs.

  7. Well, Tony, it is extremely difficult for one to witness either the trees or the forest, when their head is firmly engaged in performing a perpetual self-colonoscopy! Finding their nose might even be problematic.


  8. Where were these worthless sacks of shit when it mattered? They’re going to object, after the fact? At any time these senators could’ve subpoenaed the voting machines and demanded that they be audited. The reason they are doing it now because they know it’s safe. They know that they do not have the votes because they know there is no way that the Democrats would vote to overturn the election.

  9. The idea behind this is to create a situation that forces the supreme court to act!!!!!!

    And Wyatt, you’re typical of a leftist dunce, get your teddy bear and hug it tight, the storm will pass.

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