A Familiar Tune – IOTW Report

A Familiar Tune

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY



32 Comments on A Familiar Tune

  1. I have this entire ‘Loose in L.A.’ show on DVD. Their cover of “Time”… NOT “Time Of The Avenger”… but “Time” is IMO the best in the show. Chrissy does a good job start to finish. She doesn’t run out of gas and I never knew she was such a good dancer.

  2. Actually she’s pretty messed up for my liking:

    Personal life
    The VegiTerranean restaurant and bar and bakery at 21 Furnace St., Akron, Ohio

    Hynde had a daughter, Natalie, in 1983 with Ray Davies of The Kinks.[53] Her first marriage was to Jim Kerr in 1984, lead singer of the band Simple Minds. Together they had a daughter, Yasmin, in 1985. They lived in South Queensferry, Scotland.[53] They divorced in 1990,[53] Hynde then married artist Lucho Brieva in 1997.[53][54] They divorced in 2002.[55]

    She follows Vaishnavism, a branch of Hinduism, and travels to India once every year to further her studies.[56]

    Hynde lives in London, and also has an apartment in the Northside Lofts in her hometown of Akron.[57]

    She was listed as one of the 50 best-dressed over 50s by The Guardian in March 2013.[58]

    Hynde’s daughter Natalie was arrested in 2013 following a protest against the felling of trees in Combe Haven, East Sussex, to make way for a road.[59]

    Hynde has described becoming a vegetarian as “the best thing that ever happened to me.”[60] She says that she came to regard meat-eaters with “distaste, almost contempt” but has learned to “live and associate with [them] but never respected them.”[60] Hynde is also an animal rights activist and a supporter of PETA[61] and the animal rights group Viva!.[62] She also appeared in anti-fur trade organization Respect for Animals’ commercial ‘Fur and Against’ in 2002, alongside Jude Law, Paul McCartney and others.


    Also, IIRC she didn’t like Rush using her music as an introduction to his program.

    “In 1999, Chrissie Hynde complained about his use of the Pretenders hit, ‘My City Was Gone’ as his theme song. However, Hynde allowed Limbaugh to play the song in exchange for a $100,000 donation to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and vocal support against chemical testing on animals.”


  3. Always loved the Pretenders. She is a definite mix of different thoughts, and has said some rather sensible things against the feminazi insanity, Obama, etc…sexy as hell doesn’t hurt either.

    I give her a pass. 😛

  4. Moe Tom: there was a big kerfuffle over Rush using her song as his theme/ bump music. They worked it out when he agreed to make a donation to …PETA in her name.

  5. I loved the Pretenders early on. I was also born in Akron but moved to California as a small child. My dad was a machinist for the blimps. Son of a migrant blimp builder.

    I’ve always wanted to call in to Rush to ask….of all of the thousands of songs he could have picked for his theme song, why this one?
    And what were the runners up?

  6. I saw Joan Jett open for some Irish band called U-2 at a 100 seat former movie house called Rainbow Music Hall??….Joan Jett could have had me too…..

  7. Thanks, MJA!


    I heard Rush talk about why he chose this tune years ago, and my memory is a little iffy…but as I recall, he just dug the base line, and the general groove. Simple as that.

    He used to be a DJ here in Pittsburgh, in the early 70’s, and had a good ear for music. Went by the name Jeff Christie…


    And I don’t have a problem with Chrissie Hynde wanting a little sum’tin sum’tin for using her tune. Fair’s fair. I think it was kinda nice that she agreed to a donation, even though it was to PETA. Most assholes woulda just sued.

    Moe Tom…

    Last I heard, he was workin’ his ass off. Business is booming…


    I saw a lot of the videos from that show on YT while picking this week’s tune, and she put on a phenomenal show. But I had a problem with the lead guitar on this tune. Almost kept me from picking it. He was fine on the first couple of stretches where he soloed, but went completely off the rails when it came to his main solo. My opinion, and there’s no accounting for taste, but I thought Chrissie shoulda booted him into the 3rd row…

  8. @ BluesJunky:
    I always liked that little inversion in the bass riff.
    Decent vocal, Chrissie can still sing. “Gov’t intent on fucking up this entire Country” (!)
    The guit. solo wasn’t THAT bad. But they can’t all be Buck Dharma (or Warren Haynes for that matter.)
    I’d give that performance a 3 star rating.

    Try this one

    RIP Country Dick Montana.

  9. Oh Well

    Thanks for the heads up, man! Beat Farmers are now on my radar. I liked that a lot!

    As for that guitar solo, what can I say? It just rubbed me the wrong way. Too long, and irritating, in my opinion. Like I said, there’s no accounting for taste.

    In any case, Chrissie got herself a new guitar player that I’m kinda impressed with…


    And in honor of yer most righteous handle, one of my favorite tunes, by my absolute favorite band…



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