A Family Business – IOTW Report

A Family Business

Don’t you just love sitting around the living room looking through old family mugshots?

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22 Comments on A Family Business

  1. Elyria Police Narcotics Unit, Lorain Police Narcotics Bureau, and the Lorain County Sheriff’s Drug Task Force will be dropping the drug charges, however, they will be prosecuting this drug ring for discrimination.
    The federal government will insist that 88% of their drug ring consist of white people to reflect the racial makeup of the Nation.
    An oversight committee has been developed to ensure compliance.

  2. My German great-great grandparents emigrated to Lorain County to work at the steel mill in the late 1800s. I’m glad that they, their children, and their grandchildren are all dead. I hate the thought of them seeing what once was a beautiful community has become under more than 100 years of Democrat “leadership”.

  3. I’m more convinced every day that Liberia was the right answer. There is yet another remembrance tonight for a Virginia State Trooper killed last week by a guy who would look right at home on that mugshot hall of fame.
    Same exact thing last year.

  4. I drove past Folsom Prison for the first time in a long while yesterday. The Prison itself is set way back away from the road. The Prison land boarding the road is surround by a pretty serious fence. There’s cows grazing on this land and one can only assume they’ve done something terrible to end up there. NOT one white face among them. All Black and Brown cows. If this doesn’t speak directly to the racism in our justice and law enforcement departments, nothing does.

  5. @Phenry — Same thing ran through my thoughts — how much are they bilking us taxpayers for? It would be justice to find them guilty of welfare fraud with $84K in “earnings” despite how it was obtained. Then slap them with tax evasion on top of that.

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