A fixer-upper – IOTW Report

A fixer-upper

Piteadie Castle for sale! It is a real bargain.

20 Comments on A fixer-upper

  1. Thanks, but no thanks.
    I’ve had to deal with Historic Preservation Societies before. Nothing but a PITA.

  2. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist, No shit.

    This was a place J.W. Booth stopped at in his hurry to be away.


    To be more precise, Booth stopped at the store, hard by, and was manned by the owners of that house.

    I’ve been to that house and store before they were burned down.

    There was a horse drawn sleigh in the barn.

    The house is no more. The store is no more.

  3. Pretty sure that if HRC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or one of those maggots bought it some gov’t agency would be showering it with money. Kinda surprising that the Limeys don’t have the same scam.

    Maybe some oil sheik will buy it? The preservation society wouldn’t give him any shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. 4.8 acres in the fifth of forth!!!!! AND a castle? What’s not to like? Too bad I can’t drive there……

  5. Iโ€™d like to see the marketing plan the poor realtor who takes this on.

    Have you ever dreamed of your very own castle? This beauty awaits a King unafraid of weekend projects to show his Queen how much he cares.
    Quaint. Unique. One of a kind you can design to suit your exquisite taste.
    Current condition is reminiscent of a Fallujah inspired village, but if you have imagination and a little nest egg, youโ€™ll be living like royalty in no time.

    Bring offers…and lots of money.


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