A Focus on Not Eating Junk Food May Be Ruining Our Diet, Study Shows – IOTW Report

A Focus on Not Eating Junk Food May Be Ruining Our Diet, Study Shows

Epoch Times: An expansive study suggests it is better to focus on what you should eat, rather than what you should not

Endless studies and experts tell us that eating a healthy diet is essential for overall health and disease prevention. They warn that consuming too much junk food is a big reason why we often fail to meet this goal.

Yet, a new study published in Lancet points out that “at the population level, a low intake of healthy foods is the most important factor, rather than the high intake of unhealthy [junk] foods.”

In other words, for 20 percent of people around the world who die every year, it’s not that they ate too much junk food. It’s that they didn’t eat enough fruit, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and they consumed too much sodium. read more

9 Comments on A Focus on Not Eating Junk Food May Be Ruining Our Diet, Study Shows

  1. Everything in moderation. For example, this morning I’ll have a bloody Mary and some fried appetizer for breakfast. I do this maybe 2-3 times a month. Especially during summer months when my eating habits are at their worst.

    I can’t stand being hot, stuffed with food and hot. So I binge eat during hot months. Won’t eat a thing all day until I can’t take anymore, then I’ll eat lightly. Then around 10pm I’ll raid the kitchen.

    Yesterday, I had only a sandwich around 2pm. So today it’s a bloody breakfast! Light, refreshing and full of vitamins.

  2. My grandparents grew up eating fried eggs, fried potatoes, fried bacon, fried chicken, fried pork chops and tea with so much sugar there was half an inch undissolved in the bottom of the glass. She made us brown sugar toast and cake and cookies galore. She lived to be 96 and he was 84.

  3. my candle burneth at both ends
    it will not last the night.
    but ahhh my friends
    and ohhh my foes
    it gives a lovely light…

    no idea who’s the author…most likely deceased by now


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