A Friend from New Jersey calls out Chris Christie – IOTW Report

A Friend from New Jersey calls out Chris Christie

Dear Governor Christie,

I was encouraged to hear you say that you had made it easier for citizens in NJ to get a concealed carry permit. You may recall that I had written urging you to press legislation to make New Jersey a “shall issue” state. However, when I called my local police station this morning, the officer, after he finished laughing, told me there had been no change in the law, and concealed carry permits are as restricted as ever. He told me that unless I was a retired officer, or had “serious juice” with someone in state government, there was no chance of getting a permit. So, Governor, please explain yourself. Are you content to deny average citizens their constitutional rights and reserve those rights to insiders whose graft opens doors for them? Or are you actually going to initiate the reform you claim already to have accomplished?

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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4 Comments on A Friend from New Jersey calls out Chris Christie

  1. So, in New Jersey you have to pay graft to exercise an “unalienable” right?

    If Jersey weren’t such a cesspool of slavery and sheeple, that fat fuck and all his minions would be hanging from lamp posts.

    Metaphorically speaking, of course …

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