A global Trump revolution in Europe? – IOTW Report

A global Trump revolution in Europe?

American Thinker; The stunning results of the European parliamentary election is pretty entertaining stuff, given that supercilious, arrogant, disdainful bureaucrats such as European commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker are going to get a roomful of people like Brexit leader Nigel Farage.  Remember this?  Couldn’t happen to nicer Eurotrash.  Now it’s coming at him in spades, from not just the United Kingdom, but Italy, France, Poland, and Greece and other places that just aren’t happy with his little power-to-me project.

The Associated Press describes what has happened:

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union’s traditional center splintered in the hardest-fought European Parliament elections in decades, with the far right and pro-environment Greens gaining ground on Sunday after four days of a polarized vote.

Turnout was at a two-decade high over the balloting across the 28 European Union countries. The elections were seen as a test of the influence of the nationalist, populist and hard-right movements that have swept the continent in recent years and impelled Britain to quit the EU altogether. Both supporters of closer European unity and those who consider the EU a meddlesome and bureaucratic presence portrayed the vote as crucial for the future of the bloc.

The greenie gains seem to be roughly parallel to the rise of “vanguard” Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  The stronger trend, though, and still seemingly dismissed in the press, is that multiple countries, most strongly Britain, have chosen to go with Trumpian nationalist parties, taking aim at the supranational governing body that is supposedly all in for what’s euphemistically known as “European integration,” which actually means rule by unelected European Union bureaucrats over the elected leaders in one’s supposed democracy.  That’s a fine pickle for that self-congratulatory body to find itself in — Europe’s voters have top-loaded it with enemies of the entire project.

Why does that happen?  Well, because countries are being submerged and ignored when they try to change anything.  They’re being flooded with illegal migrants, for one; people can neither assimilate nor be happy in the countries they are entering illegally, and these people are rapidly harvesting these countries of their resources and paying them back by committing terrorism against them.   more here

13 Comments on A global Trump revolution in Europe?

  1. Too bad it has taken turning western cities in every country into third world diseased dangerous slums where no law abiding citizen can safely walk the streets, tent cities, filth and squalor and no end in sight to the depths of depravity before the revolt started. As Trump said, what do you have to lose trying a new path.

  2. I’ve seen firsthand what the elites are doing to Europe. It’s a disgrace and I hope the Europeans can take back their nations and fast. It’s a demographic time bomb. And they don’t have very long.

  3. Conservative and Liberals should ALWAYS be separated. Secede if necessary, and if liberals become more powerful, either split again, or start a civil war, it’s better than letting them pull the plug from the bottom of the boat each time.

    Wake up already.

  4. MSMNPC Viewer

    In America the Press has hated America for at least 75 years! anything that may be “pro american” is censored; and not reported!

    In ’19 the MSM still hates America!


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