A Great Business Exodus From China – IOTW Report

A Great Business Exodus From China

Townhall: As the world begins to heal from the COVID-19 outbreak, news broke Wednesday that a U.S.-based rare-earth materials mining company, MP Materials, was granted a U.S. Department of Defense contract to begin the process of bringing the mining of these elements back to the U.S. and away from China, which had been producing roughly 80% of the world’s supply. These elements are crucial in the development of technological products, notably in high-tech security and defense systems, and the move to bring the supply chain home is a hallmark of a great exodus of business and manufacturing out of mainland China, and not just by the U.S.

new report by global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney indicates U.S. companies had already began leaving China during the trade war between the two nations that began in 2019, and that chances are good even more will leave due to the pandemic that originated in Wuhan. read more

8 Comments on A Great Business Exodus From China

  1. Our soul has been sold to the ChiComs by the globalists among us.
    Time to take it back.
    Free Hong Kong.
    Protect Taiwan.
    Fuck you Communist China.
    Trust NO Muslim, as well.

  2. Diversifying all over the globe means, countries got us by the balls if there is ever a problem. Your chess pieces are in their country, and you are risking assets by bombing or going to war.

    When those assets are ordered to leave a foreign country, that country knows it’s a precursor to war, and are tipped off before it occurs.


  3. Go spend some time reading comments under Reddit’s r/sino subreddit for a while.

    You’ll be ready to say fuck every single person over there. Every dollar spent there, every manufacturer who moves there, every job outsourced, every online order filled by those assholes is sending money to people who either want to kill or enslave you.

  4. They’re talking about “Yellow Metals”. Strategic stuff. And our overloaded have been giving China all of it. Even the stuff we recycle out of electronics. All for personal enrichment. Traitorous bastards.


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