Deport Them All. The Immigration Consensus Collapses Across the West.
There has been no greater betrayal than that of our priest class, which is to say our so-called knowledge elite and public servants. They sold us down the river. And far too many got very very rich while doing nothing but sleazy paperwork. The depth of the theft, its reach, the numbers paid off, the mechanism of the bribes, have not been plumbed. But without doubt, the quickest route to wealth for the ungifted is public service.
Trump is right about Canada. At this point the country’s security has been so corrupted by its immigration policy, that China and the CCP are generally recognized as the most powerful influence in the country. Our west coast is now a staging ground into the U.S. for Triad and Cartel crime, human trafficking, meth and fentanyl. Vancouver and Toronto are the principal money laundering centres in North America. As detailed in the linked interview above and this piece by Sam Cooper — the acknowledged (by the police) expert on CCP and fentanyl — we export enough fentanyl in one month to kill every American. CCP influence and funding is tied to the Prime Minster’s office, and China’s United Front is behind Mark Carney’s campaign. more here
Well, golly gee whiz!
I thought this was tin-foil hat stuff!
Hey now! I guess it’s OK to say it now!
Personally I been of that opinion for quite a few years of the softening up of the United States. Take out the U.S. and the West goes too!
“our priest class”
In Olden Times, the “priest class” could get away with ANYTHING because the Peeps were illiterate and busy struggling to survive.
In Our Times, it takes Grande Conspiracies, for Evil to exist.
As far as the US and the West vs the Rest of the World, we tin-foil hat wearers enjoyed books by Mark Steyn decades ago.
(highly recommended reads: “America Alone” & “After America”)
I have great empathy for Canadians, I do. Most, excluding those loons on the Eastern side, are good people who try to live their lives within a set moral framework. But………..nothing will change until the people want change.
Trump won his mandate because people felt the erosion of their freedoms and ability to control their lives for the better, so they effected change through the election process. The Canadians can do the same thing. We can’t do it for you, you must do it yourselves.
As for the abuse, waste, and fraud of the public sector, it was designed to run exactly this way. I spent a career in public service. Where the private sector rewards innovation, initiative and effort, these are discouraged here and viewed as an impediment to the collective.
The clamor for shrinking government is not just for saving tax dollars, it is an acknowledgment that government sucks at pretty much everything and it is antithetical to efficiency.
this is not winning