A Guide To Surviving Your Miserable Leftist Guests At Thanksgiving Dinner – IOTW Report

A Guide To Surviving Your Miserable Leftist Guests At Thanksgiving Dinner

Leftists can ruin a holiday gathering, but there are ways to make sure that wonโ€™t happen this Thanksgiving.

28 Comments on A Guide To Surviving Your Miserable Leftist Guests At Thanksgiving Dinner

  1. I choose pretty carefully whom I associate with and do not tolerate much foolishness…

  2. We no longer allow S-I-L and husband #8 in the house. The last time they showed up uninvited they were not asked inside. It was shortly after the SJWs contributed big $$ to the Jonathan Edwards campaign.

  3. I just loudly ask who’s ready to accept Donald Trump was president, biden voters at a minimum are tolerant of pedophilia, and Jesus is lord. that usually covers all the bases.

  4. We just tell the one who shows up that we are going to watch two videos before turkey time. The first one is for us sane people, and the second one, or as we tell him, the Co-Vid(eo), is for him. lol He doesnโ€™t think itโ€™s funny. Bless his woke heart!

  5. I have expunged all leftists from my life. They arenโ€™t worth my time. Much of that removal occurred during COVID mania when they urged me to not travel cross country to visit my dying mother.

    Fuck them all.

  6. It would be hard for me to stifle the leftsrdism as I am the one who’s in the minority. I have 5 older siblings, and three were hard core boomer-hippie-leftie assholes from the very start of the counter-culture itself in the late Sixties.

    Dad was your basic WW2 social hard conservative with a very high IQ and a steel trap mind who also graduated from an Ivy League Med School. So when the Sibs tried to pull the “STOO-PID right winger” routine, I knew it was bullshit

    And then, when forced to choose, the choice was between three sibs who mostly treated me like shit, and a father who merely ignored me

    Aw, but dont cry for me, Iotw-stan It wasn’t that bad. My mother was a Wonder Woman in a WW2 gen kind of way. And I also had kid sisters who idolized me

  7. As a kid I always wondered how true it could be that brother fought against brother in the Civil War. It just didn’t seem likely that close family members could kill each other. Now I understand how that could happen.

    Wishing everyone of our IOTW family a very happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I wouldn’t let any leftist relative thru my front door nor would I even be remotely interested in going into their homes where their brainwashed, psychotic rugrat kids will look for any excuse to punch me in the mouth.

    Leftism kills families. Leftists are basically the moral equivalents of Night of the Living Dead.

  9. Chicago Ultra MAGA Deplorable WEDNESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2023, 16:03 AT 4:03 PM

    Our liberal friends left us when they found out we support Trump, so weโ€™re having a GREAT Thanksgiving this year!


    Another great testimony to always say what’s true and let the chips fall where they may.

  10. I know of no liberal friends or relatives to have Thanksgiving with.

    The liberal friends of mine are too curmudgeonly to enjoy a feast with anyone, especially not with a conservative family like my own. They would be obliged to argue with everyone’s peaceful happiness and it would be just too much for one day. No point and no joy because no profit.

    And I have no liberal relatives currently in my life. I am truly a blessed man. I have much to be thankful for.


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