A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming – IOTW Report

A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming


When the first sign of intelligent life visits us from space, it won’t be a giant saucer hovering over New York. More likely, it will be an alien civilization’s trash. 

Avi Loeb, chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, believes he’s already found some of that garbage. 

In his upcoming book, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), out Jan. 26, the professor lays out a compelling case for why an object that recently wandered into our solar system was not just another rock but actually a piece of alien technology. 

The object in question traveled toward our solar system from the direction of Vega, a nearby star 25 light-years away, and intercepted our solar system’s orbital plane on Sept. 6, 2017.  more

29 Comments on A Harvard professor says an alien visited in 2017 — and more are coming

  1. I don’t have a lot of hope, as far as our communicating with alyiums.
    Whales are highly intelligent, considered to be possibly our equals, and we can’t communicate with them. How nice- the largest living animals on earth. Older than the human species. They talk to each other over hundreds of miles and have more freedom than people. But we don’t try to talk with them- we just torture them with sonar or just outright kill them.
    If the alyiums are watching any of that, we’re screwed.

  2. Do they have P 36 Explosive Space Modulators like Marvin the Martian did? Or say EXTERMINATE like the Daleks do. Are they here to destroy the earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass? Are any of them named Zaphod Beeblebrok. And do the mice really run the universe?

  3. “First sign of intelligent life..”

    Well, thar’s the first problem with his hypothesis! Intelligent life would avoid planet earth — at least for the next little while, anyway. I know I would if I had the choice.


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