A Hollywood Celebrity Leaves LA, Nails Life in a Liberal Lockdown – IOTW Report

A Hollywood Celebrity Leaves LA, Nails Life in a Liberal Lockdown

RedState: A Hollywood celebrity delivers a potent picture of left-wing lockdown.

But first, a few questions: Will the shutdown ever end? Will life ever be as before?

A COVID-19 vaccine’s upcoming, but how many will take it? And what will happen to those who refuse? What percentage of Americans will be required to accept the drug in order for a maskless world to once again be ours?

And, more generally, will government ever relinquish its until-recently unprecedented control?

It seems to me that American government rarely shrinks. Leaders across the country have had a taste of heightened authority; if the pandemic fades, how will select power-appreciative governors react to future foes? The next flu season? Or every one thereafter?

In California, hope isn’t on the horizon.

The state that never met a law it didn’t like is keeping things on the down low — with regard to quality of life.

In many ways, that was already the case; but the coronavirus brought a whole new level of legislative love.

And if you needed a view into what a major metropolis can be, look no further than one entertainer’s account.

Actor James Van Der Beek has moved his family eastward — to Austin, Texas.

The 43-year-old husband and father of five has reasons to start anew. more

17 Comments on A Hollywood Celebrity Leaves LA, Nails Life in a Liberal Lockdown

  1. With these bullshit shutdowns still lingering and in place, I can’t help but fear for this country.

    For Americans to still tolerate this crap is scary, it implies a cowardice population that is ready to submit to the commies.

    I hope to hell I am wrong.

  2. If he had moved to an American town that I had to look up to locate, I’d be impressed.
    Then again, it’s clear his values haven’t changed, so Austin suits him.

  3. When Trump wins 45 states (and WILL – at a MINIMUM), I say it’s time we march on the libtard guvners, tar & feather them, and send them out of town on a rail. 😡

  4. Bob M. – predictions about what happens after Trump wins? Is it business as usual? Slow but sure draining of the SWAMP, one indictment at a time? Firing Fauci and Wray? Crackdowns on mayors and governors complicit in the death and destruction of Antifa/BLM riots? More? Less?

    Would make a great topic and reader poll.

    Of course, what if voter fraud produces the alternative and the courts won’t reverse it? Another topic altogether. (Some of my neighbors feel like they’re sitting on pins and needles with two weeks to go…)

  5. Hey James, it was Mayor Adler of Austin that kicked off the shutdown BS cancelling South by Southwest AND they still refuse bars to open in Travis county. All this schmuck is going to do is drag Texas blue faster.

  6. New Yorkers are moving to Maine is such large numbers NY newspapers are doing stories about it.
    This state has turned more liberal than ever because these dolts don’t seem to realize it was their beloved liberal policies that got them the people who killed their freedom.

  7. … and in 40 years his kids will be fleeing Austin.

    I used to watch “Austin City Limits” once in a while for the music.
    Have you seen what shit passes as music now on that show? Not any more.


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