“A huge list of adverse events of interest.” – IOTW Report

“A huge list of adverse events of interest.”

Dr. Robert W. Malone on Pfizer Documents “A huge list of adverse events of interest.”
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12 Comments on “A huge list of adverse events of interest.”

  1. The mistake is limiting the scrutiny to this one jab. They all have issues and side effects, many are contaminated, most if not all have poisonous adjuvants to stimulate your immune system and no one ever gives informed consent since no doctor or pharmacist ever explains this. Who knows what the long term effect of any of the vaccines are. You aren’t going to tie your cancer at 50 to a shot you got as a child. But almost everyone is programmed to say I only have a problem with this vaccine. I love all the other ones.

  2. You have to be out of your fucking mind crazy to take this shit with all of the info that has come out in the past year on the adverse consequences.

    I just saw a list of 500 world class athletes that have either died(many right on the field) or have suffered chest pains or severe cramps such that they had to leave the game.

    I also have seen a list of side effects from these injections and there’s over 1300!! listed.

    Dr Cole warned about the rise of previously extremely rare illnesses and cancers that he was seeing in his practice since the vaxxing began.

    The fact is covidiots won’t take any of this into account. The epitome was Stephen Smith, the announcer on EPN, who got the vax, almost died, was laid up seriously ill for days near death. He says thank goodness I got the injection otherwise I might have died.

    Hopeless. I just tell them to make sure they stay current on their boosters.

    Then you have a POS shit like this guy who took the moola and changed his position on ivermectin-https://rumble.com/vwg569-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie-ivermectin-suppression-killed-millio.html He literally killed 100s of 1,000s of people. For money.

  3. Big Pharma knew of the risks and so did government. They pushed this through knowing that there was great profit involved. Profit that could/would be taxed.


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