A leading scientific journal faces humiliation after it published a completely fake paper – IOTW Report

A leading scientific journal faces humiliation after it published a completely fake paper

A leading scientific journal faces humiliation after it published a completely fake paper, purportedly written by Chinese researchers, which contained AI generated images of a rat with a penis bigger than its own body.

16 Comments on A leading scientific journal faces humiliation after it published a completely fake paper

  1. JAK STAT!

    This must be the year of the Rat over there…
    Can you picture that thing coming after the cat?
    Poor kitty would skiddin in its own shit to GTF outta there!!
    Both the journal and the rat need a retraction!

  2. Pretty safe to say that Western “science” is absolute shite now. Gone are the days of the brilliantly curious pioneers and the well learned graduates. Now we have a bunch of idiot poseurs running the university system whose laurels were garnered due to having the “right” sex, race, and sexual orientation at the “right” time and the “right” school.

    These imbeciles control often are “experts” in conjured up low rigor garbage fields, and they so much of academia now that they are destroying the careers of real scholars and real researchers before they can even get started.

  3. Reminds me:
    There was a 3rd grader, named Johnny…he was a biker’s kid and known for a foul mouth. No doubt learned at home.
    One day, the teacher held an oral vocabulary test using letters from the alphabet. She asked students to use each letter in a word.
    The 1st letter was “A”…Johnny was excitedly raising his hand to answer, but teach knew what word he’d use…so she picked someone else, who said A is for apple.
    The next letter was of course “B”….there was Johnny’s hand up….no way she’d pick Johnny for that either.
    This went on, as you can imagine for all the known letters that could be used in dirty words.
    Finally, she came to the letter “R”…by then Johnny had all but given up and his arm was worn out from trying to get picked.
    She felt it a safe letter and said; Johnny, give us a word with the letter “R”.
    Johnny, now tired and resentful at being passed over so many times…
    stood, cleared his throat, and with arms spread as wide as they would go, said; R…R is for RAT!…..big mutherfucker with a dick that long!

  4. A guy, a real scientist did that deliberately to a mainstream science journal a few years back, just to see if they would do their homework, check references, etc. It was a garbage paper, full of inaccuracies and false claims, but the journal printed it anyway. He did it, I believe, partly for a laugh, partly to test them. The journal editors failed miserably and printed it.

    Later, the scientist-author exposed them for the idiots they were.

    Science – something we can all believe in, all the time? I think not.

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