A Liberal Version of the Ten Commandments – IOTW Report

A Liberal Version of the Ten Commandments

obama horns speech

AE: Characterizing modern liberalism as secular religion is commonplace today, although such a comparison amounts to a gross insult to Christianity, which has been the most frequent target of liberal assaults against religion, while Islam and other faiths have either been given a pass or even praised for their supposed virtues.  Certainly equating liberalism with other profane systems of belief, such as Nazism, Fascism, and Marxism makes left-wing heads explode.  On the other hand, at least these movements had codified their principles into convenient creeds or confessions; after all, you need something to set your thoughts on fire during book burnings, mob pillaging, frenzied adulations of the Great Leader, or the sort of ritualistic condemnations of Israel found at Democratic conventions
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6 Comments on A Liberal Version of the Ten Commandments

  1. Well, Libtardism IS a religion, in that it survives on the FAITH alone of it’s adherents and followers, with no actual PROOF that it has ever worked the way that others have said that it’s supposed to. Ever.

  2. The real story of the Ten Commandments:
    A Jewish friend of mine told me this story, so I know it’s true –

    A long time ago God went to the Egyptians and said;
    “Would you like a Commandment?”
    The Egyptians said “What’s a Commandment?”
    God said “A Commandment is like… thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”
    The Egyptians talked it over and told God “No, that would screw up our weekends”

    So God went to the Asyrians and said “Would you like a Commandment?”
    the Asyrians said “What’s a Commandment?”
    So God told them that a Commandment is like – Thou shalt not steal”
    The Asyrians talked it over for a while and told God “No, that would screw up our economy”

    So God then went to the Jews and said “Would you llike a Commandment?”
    The Jews too were puzzled, but asked “How much does it cost?”
    God said “It’s free!”
    The Jews said “Great!! We’ll take ten!”

  3. It’s not just Liberals that mock Christians. People on this ‘Conservative’ site call us ‘Bible Thumpers’ and mock Christians a lot. I never knew there was so much hate in the Conservative camp until I posted comments here.

    God Bless You All!

  4. Their problems lie within the fact that they strive to be unaccountable to any god or power higher than they perceive themselves. They hate their creator. They see themselves as gods, or they worship the governing progressives who live by the same fairy tales. Bigger troubles await them after they leave their stains upon the earth, and they are incapable of comprehending that. They won’t be warned — that’s their choice.

  5. I’m proud to be a Bible thumper. So much so that I quit the Catholic Church after a lifetime of devotion and have joined the Southern Baptist convention.

    Southern Baptists are fully prepared to defy the Gummint and take the Gummint to court if any local, county, state or federale Gummint entity tries to tell them they must marry LGBT sinners in their churches.

    Meanwhile, Pope Frank would cave in a New York minute. (Don’t they determine the date of Easter each year based on if the Pope sees his shadow on Fat Tuesday?)


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