A little theme music, maestros! – IOTW Report

A little theme music, maestros!

Benny Hill had his theme music and now Jill Biden does too

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

The Washington Examiner has broken what is, so far, the best story of the year: It turns out that Jill Biden has her own “walk-up” music. That is, whenever she makes an official appearance, this music is played for her, just as Hail to the Chief is played when the president appears. Someone within the Marine Corps band wrote it, although there is some dispute as to whether the White House requested such music or the Marine Corps band members spontaneously felt that Jill needed that special song.

Becket Adams broke the story:

The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner. The band now has in its repertoire an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” The song, the source said, is essentially Jill Biden’s personal “Hail to the Chief,” in that it is to be performed and repeated at official White House functions, from her first appearance until she is ready to speak.

“Fanfare for the First Lady” has created both amusement and confusion within the band, with some remarking that in the many years they’ve played in the group, this is the first time the group has had to provide the first lady with an exclusive entrance theme.

After the story went to press, it was updated with the White House perspective. According to the White House, no one ever asked for Dr. Jill to have her own music. It was something the Marine Corps band came up with spontaneously: more here

36 Comments on A little theme music, maestros!

  1. I listened to it.
    It sounds clownish, scattered & un-serious (not a word).

    Re-name it: “Hail to the Trollop”

    Works for the VP too.

  2. Not that anyone (Pedo Biden included) wants to spend too much time thinking about Dr. Ho’s well-worn fiddly bits, but the one thing her ‘pussy’ would NOT be is WET.

    For one thing, she’s OLD. MUCH too old for the way she dresses, and MUCH too old for the way she ACTS. Many things are lost to the clock, and one of them is natural vaginal lubrucation. There’s an entire subset of products to artificially provide this because it’s so common, but you can look them up on your own time.

    Two, she’s married to Joe. JOE. A gnarly, ugly, pants-shitting idiot she only stole for money and power, who couldn’t get it up for HER because she’s not nine, and is likely in end-stage infectious, incurable neurosyphilis besides. I know women are sex objects and men are SUCcess objects, but she knows Joe Pedo’s “success: is all a lie like no one else does anyway, so I would suspect this does nothing to produce vaginal juices in the dessicated horror that is Jill Biden.

    Third, high mileage, poor maintenance. Jill Biden got where she is with sex, fucking married men till she could get one to ditch his cancerous wife. She didn’t get those skills just by letting an nascent pedophile poke her a few times, she would DEFINITELY have practiced.

    A lot.

    This, coupled with probable coke-fueled rabbit fucking with Hunter, from a woman who’s idea of taking care of herself is to put on higher heels, combined with the multiple abortions that characterize yhe modern Democrat woman’s required sacrifices to Baal, along with genutourinary scarring from the inevitable social diseases this behavior leads to, probably stretched her funsack to Grand Canyon proportions while drying up the river at the bottom of it. Think sun-baked rocks in a gaping hole in the desert filled with scorpions to get an idea where this is at.

    …so for these, and many other reasons, unless it’s meant to be ironic, I do not recommend even as foul a song as WAP as her theme.

    It simply isn’t an accurate description of the cunt at hand.

    So to speak.

  3. …THIS is more Jill’s speed for a theme song…

    “Hoe I got yo boyfriend, hoe I can take yo man, I can put it on him just like he wanna like (snap) I got yo man (snap) hoe I got yo boyfriend hoe I can make him spend grands I can put it on him just like he wanna like (snap) I got yo man (snap)”

    …it gets worse. LANGUAGE WARNING, NSFW


  4. stirrin the FJB Pot
    JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 10:15 AM
    “SNS you have a fertile mind”

    …only to make the point that the unmoistened bint does NOT have a fertile hoo-hah…;)

  5. Jethro
    JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 10:23 AM
    “Why don’t they just play old porno movie background music?”

    …because it’s hard ENOUGH to sell porno with a wide-open Interwebs, so the porno music producer would sue to keep you from associating their music with something as erection-killing as Dr. J…

  6. Dr. Tar, best song Queen ever did!
    Either Doc Jill has a huge ago or a very fragile ego.
    Can’t decide.
    She dresses like she shops at Walmart and then makes demands like this. Like those people who live in welfare housing and suddenly win a lot of money

  7. It needs an opening drum-roll, and an “Amen” closing.

    It’s said you can’t unring a bell, but somehow, I’ve forgotten the First Lady’s Fanfare already. Am I a bad person?

  8. Didn’t listen. But if it sounds anything like “Yakaty Sax” (Benny Hill theme), it’s appropriate.


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